Jan 15, 2025
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Category D: Social Perspectives
12 units
The courses in this category enhance student knowledge of the complex cultural and institutional world in which people live. Each course examines relationships between various cultures and institutions that shape our social, economic, psychological, and political realities. Using the lenses of the social sciences, students gain insight and understanding of the social, political, historical, economic, educational or behavioral aspects of world cultures and systems, including the ways in which these interact and influence each other.
Students must select a minimum of three courses 12 units, each course in a different social science discipline.
- ANTH 102 - Cultural Anthropology Units: 3
- ANTH 105 - Introduction to Archaeology Units: 3
- ANTH 106 - Culture and Communication: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Units: 3
- ANTH 310 - Civilizations of an Ancient Landscape: World Archaeology Units: 3
- ANTH 323 - Native Americans of California to the 1850’s Units: 3
- ANTH 327 - Oral History and the Community Units: 3
- ANTH 332 - Human Ecology (Cross-listed as ESRM 332) Units: 3
- ANTH 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as HIST 442) Units: 3
- ANTH 443 - Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Perspectives On Health and Healing Units: 3
- ANTH 444 - Values and Valuables (Cross-listed as ECON 444) Units: 3
- ANTH 445 - The Seacoast Through Time Units: 3
- ART 331 - Art, Society, and Mass Media (Cross-listed as COMM 331) Units: 3
- ART 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as HIST 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- ART 334 - The Business of Art (Cross-listed as BUS 334) Units: 3
- ART 336 - Art and Music: Dissonance, Diversity and Continuity (Cross-listed as PAMU 336) Units: 3
- ART 337 - Art on Film and Film as Art Units: 3
- ART 433 - Women in the Arts Units: 3
- ART 434 - The Museum: Culture, Business and Education (Cross-listed as BUS 434, EDUC 434) Units: 3
- BIOL 326 - Scientific and Professional Ethics (Cross-listed as MGT 326) Units: 3
- BIOL 331 - Biotechnology in the Twenty-first Century Units: 3
- BIOL 332 - Cancer and Society Units: 3
- BIOL 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BUS 342, ECON 342, EDUC 342) Units: 3
- BIOL 345 - Science and Public Policy (Cross-listed as POLS 345) Units: 3
- BIOL 432 - Principles of Epidemiology and Environmental Health Units: 3
- BUS 203 - Introduction to Social Business (Cross-listed as ECON 203, SOC 203) Units: 3
- BUS 330 - Behavioral Finance: The Psychology of Decision-Making (Cross-listed as PSY 330) Units: 3
- BUS 334 - The Business of Art (Cross-listed as ART 334) Units: 3
- BUS 336 - Social Entrepreneurship (Cross-listed as SOC 336) Units: 3
- BUS 339 - Business in China: Heritage and Change (Cross-listed as HIST 339) Units: 3
- BUS 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as ECON 340, ENGL 340) Units: 3
- BUS 341 - Drug Discovery and Development (Cross-listed as CHEM 341, ECON 341) Units: 3
- BUS 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BIOL 342, ECON 342, EDUC 342) Units: 3
- BUS 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as ECON 344, EDUC 344, LIB 344) Units: 3
- BUS 347 - The University (Cross-listed as ECON 347, EDUC 347) Units: 3
- BUS 349 - History of Business and Economics in North America (Cross-listed as ECON 349, HIST 349) Units: 3
- BUS 434 - The Museum: Culture, Business and Education (Cross-listed as ART 434, EDUC 434) Units: 3
- BUS 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as ECON 435, EDUC 435, PAMU 435) Units: 3
- BUS 448 - Globalization and Development (Cross-listed as ECON 448, SOC 448) Units: 3
- CHEM 341 - Drug Discovery and Development (Cross-listed as ECON 341, BUS 341) Units: 3
- CHS 100 - Chicana/os in Contemporary Society Units: 3
- CHS 200 - Diversity in Latina/o Communities Units: 3
- CHS 292 - Chicana/o Studies Service Learning and Civic Engagement Units: 3
- CHS 331 - Transborder Perspectives in Chicana/o Studies Units: 3
- CHS 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, HIST 333) Units: 3
- CHS 402 - Southern California Chicana/o History and Culture (Cross-listed as HIST 402) Units: 3
- CHS 445 - Chicano Child and Adolescent (Cross-listed as EDUC 445, HIST 445) Units: 4
- COMM 211 - Discerning Information in an Interconnected World (Cross-listed as LIB 211) Units: 3
- COMM 331 - Art, Society, and Mass Media (Cross-listed as ART 331) Units: 3
- COMM 340 - Conflict Management and Mediation Units: 3
- COMM 342 - Internet-Based Social Networks (Cross-listed as COMP 342, SOC 342) Units: 3
- COMM 345 - Media Literacy and Youth Culture (Cross-listed as EDUC 345) Units: 3
- COMM 441 - Health Communication (Cross-listed as NRS 441) Units: 3
- COMM 443 - Environmental Communication (Cross-listed as ESRM 443) Units: 3
- COMP 342 - Internet-Based Social Networks (Cross-listed as COMM 342, SOC 342) Units: 3
- COMP 447 - Societal Issues in Computing Units: 3
- ECON 110 - Principles of Microeconomics Units: 3
- ECON 111 - Principles of Macroeconomics Units: 3
- ECON 203 - Introduction to Social Business (Cross-listed as BUS 203, SOC 203) Units: 3
- ECON 331 - Narratives of the Working Class (Cross-listed as ENGL 331, SOC 331, POLS 331, HIST 331) Units: 3
- ECON 333 - Nonprofit Organizations (Cross-listed as BUS, COMM, POLS 333) Units: 3
- ECON 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as BUS 340, ENGL 340) Units: 3
- ECON 341 - Drug Discovery and Development (Cross-listed as CHEM 341, BUS 341) Units: 3
- ECON 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BIOL 342, BUS 342, EDUC 342) Units: 3
- ECON 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as BUS 344, EDUC 344, LIB 344) Units: 3
- ECON 347 - The University (Cross-listed as BUS 347, EDUC 347) Units: 3
- ECON 349 - History of Business and Economics in North America (Cross-listed as HIST 349, BUS 349) Units: 3
- ECON 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as BUS 435, EDUC 435, PAMU 435) Units: 3
- ECON 444 - Values and Valuables (Cross-listed as ANTH 444) Units: 3
- ECON 448 - Globalization and Development (Cross-listed as SOC 448, BUS 448) Units: 3
- ECS 101 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Units: 3
- EDUC 101 - Introduction to Elementary Schooling Units: 3
- EDUC 320 - Education in Modern Society Units: 3
- EDUC 330 - Introduction to Secondary Schooling Units: 3
- EDUC 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BIOL 342, BUS 342, ECON 342) Units: 3
- EDUC 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as BUS 344, ECON 344, LIB 344) Units: 3
- EDUC 345 - Media Literacy and Youth Culture (Cross-listed as COMM 345) Units: 3
- EDUC 347 - The University (Cross-listed as BUS 347, ECON 347) Units: 3
- EDUC 434 - The Museum: Culture, Business and Education (Cross-listed as ART 434, BUS 434) Units: 3
- EDUC 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as BUS 435, ECON 435, PAMU 435) Units: 3
- EDUC 445 - Chicano Child and Adolescent (Cross-listed as HIST 445, CHS 445) Units: 4
- ENGL 331 - Narratives of the Working Class (Cross-listed as SOC 331, POLS 331, ECON 331, HIST 331) Units: 3
- ENGL 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as HIST 334) Units: 3
- ENGL 337 - Literature of the Environment Units: 3
- ENGL 339 - Psychology and Literature (Cross-listed as PSY 339) Units: 3
- ENGL 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as ECON 340, BUS 340) Units: 3
- ENGL 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as HIST 430) Units: 3
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as GEND 433) Units: 3
- ESRM 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management Units: 3
- ESRM 105 - Environmental Issues in Geography (Cross-listed as GEOG 105) Units: 3
- ESRM 332 - Human Ecology (Cross-listed as ANTH 332) Units: 3
- ESRM 340 - Politics and the Environment (Cross-listed as POLS 340) Units: 3
- ESRM 341 - The National Park (Cross-listed as POLS 341) Units: 3
- ESRM 342 - Environmental History (Cross-listed as HIST 342) Units: 3
- ESRM 440 - Population Studies (Cross-listed as SOC 440) Units: 3
- ESRM 443 - Environmental Communication (Cross-listed as COMM 443) Units: 3
- FJS 210 - Ethics for a Free World (Cross-listed as PHIL 210) Units: 3
- FJS 340 - Exploring Freedom and Justice Units: 3
- GEND 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as ENGL 433) Units: 3
- GEOG 105 - Environmental Issues in Geography (Cross-listed as ESRM 105) Units: 3
- GEOG 201 - Culture and Historical Geography of the World Units: 3
- GLST 200 - Introduction to Global Studies Units: 3
- GLST 435 - Global Cities Units: 3
- HIST 211 - World Civilizations: Origins to 1500 Units: 3
- HIST 212 - World Civilizations: Since 1500 Units: 3
- HIST 280 - The Historian’s Craft Units: 3
- HIST 331 - Narratives of the Working Class (Cross-listed as ENGL 331, SOC 331, POLS 331, ECON 331) Units: 3
- HIST 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- HIST 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334) Units: 3
- HIST 339 - Business in China: Heritage and Change (Cross-listed as BUS 339) Units: 3
- HIST 340 - History and Psychology of Nazi Germany (Cross-listed as PSY 340) Units: 3
- HIST 342 - Environmental History (Cross-listed as ESRM 342) Units: 3
- HIST 349 - History of Business and Economics in North America (Cross-listed as ECON 349, BUS 349) Units: 3
- HIST 360 - History of Colonial Latin America Units: 3
- HIST 361 - History of Modern Latin America Units: 3
- HIST 365 - Themes in World History Units: 3
- HIST 402 - Southern California Chicana/o History and Culture (Cross-listed as CHS 402) Units: 3
- HIST 412 - Law and Society Units: 3
- HIST 413 - World Religions and Classical Philosophies Units: 3
- HIST 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as ENGL 430) Units: 3
- HIST 436 - Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures (Cross-listed as PSY 436) Units: 3
- HIST 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as ANTH 442) Units: 3
- HIST 445 - Chicano Child and Adolescent (Cross-listed as EDUC 445, CHS 445) Units: 4
- HIST 451 - History of Africa Since 1800 Units: 3
- HIST 452 - History of Southern Africa Since 1600 Units: 3
- LIB 211 - Discerning Information in an Interconnected World (Cross-listed as COMM 211) Units: 3
- LIB 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as BUS 344, ECON 344, EDUC 344) Units: 3
- MATH 331 - History of Mathematics Units: 3
- MGT 326 - Scientific and Professional Ethics (Cross-listed as BIOL 326) Units: 3
- NRS 348 - Healthy Aging (Cross-listed as PSY 348, SOC 348) Units: 3
- NRS 441 - Health Communication (Cross-listed as COMM 441) Units: 3
- PAMU 336 - Art and Music: Dissonance, Diversity and Continuity (Cross-listed as ART 336) Units: 3
- PAMU 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as BUS 435, ECON 435, EDUC 435) Units: 3
- PHIL 210 - Ethics for a Free World (Cross-listed as FJS 210) Units: 3
- POLS 102 - Comparative Government Units: 3
- POLS 103 - Introduction to International Politics Units: 3
- POLS 328 - United States Foreign Policy Units: 3
- POLS 330 - Political Sociology (Cross-listed as SOC 330) Units: 3
- POLS 331 - Narratives of the Working Class (Cross-listed as ENGL 331, SOC 331, ECON 331, HIST 331) Units: 3
- POLS 333 - Nonprofit Organizations (Cross-listed as BUS, COMM,ECON 333) Units: 3
- POLS 334 - Peace Studies Units: 3
- POLS 335 - Politics and Film Units: 3
- POLS 340 - Politics and the Environment (Cross-listed as ESRM 340) Units: 3
- POLS 341 - The National Park (Cross-listed as ESRM 341) Units: 3
- POLS 345 - Science and Public Policy (Cross-listed as BIOL 345) Units: 3
- POLS 430 - Political Communication Units: 3
- POLS 431 - Education Policy and Politics (Cross-listed as EDUC 431) Units: 3
- PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology Units: 3
- PSY 213 - Developmental Psychology Units: 3
- PSY 330 - Behavioral Finance: The Psychology of Decision-making (Cross-listed as BUS 330) Units: 3
- PSY 333 - Measurement and Testing of Groups and Individuals Units: 3
- PSY 337 - Psychological Ethics and Moral Philosophy Units: 3
- PSY 339 - Psychology and Literature (Cross-listed as ENGL 339) Units: 3
- PSY 340 - History and Psychology of Nazi Germany (Cross-listed as HIST 340) Units: 3
- PSY 345 - Individuals with Disabilities in Society (Cross-listed as SPED 345) Units: 3
- PSY 348 - Healthy Aging (Cross-listed as NRS 348, SOC 348) Units: 3
- PSY 432 - Seminar in Leadership Units: 3
- PSY 436 - Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures (Cross-listed as HIST 436) Units: 3
- PSY 445 - Adolescent Development Units: 3
- SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology Units: 3
- SOC 201 - Social Problems Units: 3
- SOC 203 - Introduction to Social Business (Cross-listed as BUS 203, ECON 203) Units: 3
- SOC 330 - Political Sociology (Cross-listed as POLS 330) Units: 3
- SOC 331 - Narratives of the Working Class (Cross-listed as ENGL 331, POLS 331, ECON 331, HIST 331) Units: 3
- SOC 336 - Social Entrepreneurship (Cross-listed as BUS 336) Units: 3
- SOC 342 - Internet-Based Social Networks (Cross-listed as COMM 342, COMP 342) Units: 3
- SOC 348 - Healthy Aging (Cross-listed as NRS 348, PSY 348) Units: 3
- SOC 440 - Population Studies (Cross-listed as ESRM 440) Units: 3
- SOC 448 - Globalization and Development (Cross-listed as ECON 448, BUS 448) Units: 3
- SPED 345 - Individuals with Disabilities in Society (Cross-listed as PSY 345) Units: 3
- UNIV 250 - Second Year Seminar Units: 3