2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Psychology is the study of the aspects of mind related to human nature, our relationships to each other, and our relationship to the world at large. While psychology is often scientific in its outlook, it also includes ways of knowing and understanding the world based on philosophy and the arts. In this sense psychology is one of the broadest of disciplines, encompassing a wide range of academic areas and endeavors. Psychology recognizes the diverse cultural, economic, ethnic, historical, and political viewpoints that exist in a multicultural world. The discipline seeks to understand how these viewpoints interact with individual and group behavior in order to encourage a rich pluralism of human interaction.
The psychology program at CI is unique in two aspects. The first is that students will have some exposure to all major areas of psychology through a required sequence of core courses. Included in these courses is a year-long upper division course in quantitative reasoning. This core-course curriculum borrows an ideology from the best undergraduate psychology programs, producing students with knowledge in all branches of psychology as well as methodological skills that can be widely applied within and outside of the discipline.
The second unique aspect of the CI psychology program is its interdisciplinary course offerings. These interdisciplinary courses offer students a chance to experience the intersection of psychology with other disciplines. This closely follows how psychology is understood and practiced in the world at large.
Graduates of the CI undergraduate psychology program will be prepared to work in a variety of settings. Typically, psychology graduates do well finding jobs. However, we recognize that nationally approximately 23% of undergraduate psychology majors go on to graduate school for masters, doctorates, or other professional degrees. Therefore, the psychology faculty at CI are committed to helping students gain admittance into graduate or professional schools.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduating from the Psychology program:
- Students should be familiar with the major theoretical approaches, findings and historical trends in psychology;
- Students should understand and be able to use major research methods in psychology, including design, data analysis and interpretation;
- Students should have an understanding of applications of psychology to personal, social and organizational issues;
- Students should demonstrate information competence and the ability to use computers and other technology for multiple purposes;
- Students should use and respect skeptical inquiry, critical thinking, and the scientific approach to understand behavior;
- Students should have an understanding of the complexity of cultural diversity;
- Students should be able to express themselves effectively in written and oral communication; and
- Students should understand themselves and others in a cultural context and develop interpersonal skills for diverse settings over the lifespan.
Virgil H. Adams, III, Ph.D., Program Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2031
(805) 437-2767
Harley Baker, Ed.D., Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2061
(805) 437-8997
Beatrice de Oca, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2113
(805) 437-8992
Kimmy Kee-Rose, Ph.D., Program Advisor and Associate Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2153
(805) 437-3276
Michelle Moon, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2131
(805) 437-2752
Christy Teranishi-Martinez, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2035
(805) 437-3311
Kevin Volkan, Ed.D., Ph.D., MPH, Professor of Psychology
Sage Hall, Room 2151
(805) 437-8867
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