Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions




  • ENGL 322 - Sociology of Popular Culture (Cross-listed as SOC 322, COMM 322)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: SOC 100 
    Examines popular culture from a sociological and a comparative perspective. Emphasizes the impact of mass media on individual behavior, marketing and consumption of amusements and entertainments in the domestic and global marketplace.
    Same as: SOC 322 , COMM 322 
  • ENGL 325 - Major Non-Western Authors

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  and either ENGL 220  or ENGL 250  (or the Equivalent.)
    A concentrated study of selected non- Western authors. Authors selected change from term to term; therefore, students may take the course for credit more than once. Repeatable by topic up to 6 units.
  • ENGL 326 - Major British and European Authors

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 250  or Equivalent
    Concentrated study of selected British and/or European authors. Authors selected change from term to term; therefore, students may take the course for credit more than once. Repeatable by topics.
  • ENGL 327 - Major American Authors

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 220  or Equivalent
    Concentrated study of selected American authors. Authors selected change from term to term; therefore, students may take the course for credit more than once. Repeatable by topic.
  • ENGL 328 - Mythology

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent and one literature course
    Study of mythology and the influence it has had on literature, art, music, and the development of cultures. Course topics may include Classical Mythology, Eastern Mythology, Mythology of the Americas, Egyptian Mythology, and others. Repeatable by topic.
  • ENGL 329 - Seminar in Tutoring Writing

    Units: 3
    Three hours seminar per week
    Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 105  (or Equivalent) and Sophomore Standing
    Introduces the theories that inform university writing centers and their practices.
    Graded: Credit/No Credit
  • ENGL 330 - Interdisciplinary Writing

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Individual and collaborative writing that integrates research from a variety of disciplines. Students will work on projects that incorporate various forms of research, including electronic, and which result in both oral presentations and academic papers. Each section will be based on a theme appropriate for interdisciplinary research and writing.
    GenEd: A2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 331 - Narratives of the Working Class (Cross-listed as SOC 331, POLS 331, ECON 331, HIST 331)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Examines the lives of working people using various thematic approaches and disciplinary methodologies. Materials include literature, film, and case studies.
    Same as: SOC 331 , POLS 331 , ECON 331 , HIST 331 
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 332 - Teaching Dramatic Literature (Cross-listed as PATH 332)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent plus one upper division literature course
    Explores methods and approaches to teaching dramatic literature in secondary schools and colleges. Focuses on elements of textual exploration and using heuristics from theatre to teach dramatic literature including, but not exclusively, Shakespeare’s Plays.
    Same as: PATH 332 
    GenEd: C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 333 - Multicultural Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 333)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    America is a country of many cultures, and each of these has brought legacies of its roots to the American stage. In this course we will read plays written by Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans and others. This course is regional in organization rather than chronological, and is organized around one or more themes.
    Same as: PATH 333 
    GenEd: C2, C3B, UDIGE
  • ENGL 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as HIST 334)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Ours is a region made up of many cultures which produce the one we call Southern California. In this class we will take a historical approach to study of the narratives - oral, written and filmed – of Southern California. Course work may also include obtaining oral histories and compiling them.
    Same as: HIST 334 
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 335 - American Ethnic Images in Novels, Film and Art (Cross-listed as ART 335, HIST 335)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Examines the portrayal of ethnic groups from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes, but is not limited to, the literary, historical, and anthropological modes of analysis. The course highlights the ways in which artistic works have shaped the intellectual landscape of the United States as they relate to ethnic peoples.
    Same as: ART 335 , HIST 335 
    GenEd: C2, C3B, UDIGE
  • ENGL 337 - Literature of the Environment

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Involves the student in many forms of dialogue on issues pertinent to humanity’s relationship with Earth. By reading works by writers from diverse fields and by writing in response, the student will gain a better understanding of our planet and its needs. Emphasis will be placed on writing in modes appropriate to the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Science and Resource Management.
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 338 - Science and Conscience (Cross-listed as PHYS 338)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    This course is a team-taught, interdisciplinary course that examines various ethical issues within the sciences using case studies. The scientific, historical and social aspects of each case study will be examined from different perspectives. Students will learn scientific concepts which will facilitate an informed understanding of the ethical issues involved.
    Same as: PHYS 338
    GenEd: B1, C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 339 - Psychology and Literature (Cross-listed as PSY 339)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    This course looks at the ways in which human psychology manifests in literature and the ways literature instructs us about human psychology. Through reading, writing about, and discussing texts with particularly rich psychological content, issues related to mental health and the human condition will be explored. The course will also cover some theoretical and technical aspects of psychology relevant to the readings.
    Same as: PSY 339 
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as ECON 340, BUS 340)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Explores the ways in which business and economics have been represented in American literature. Employs critical methodologies from the fields of Business, Economics, and Literary studies.
    Same as: ECON 340 , BUS 340 
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 341 - Modern American Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 341)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Students will read plays and performance texts written by modern American authors from the beginning of the 20th century until today. A study of the range of American dramatic literature in the context of the development of American theatrical performance. Thematically examines avant-garde and alternative forms as well as commercial and mainstream theatre.
    Same as: PATH 341 
    GenEd: C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 342 - Modern British and European Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 342)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Major works of British and European dramatic literature in performance and production from the middle of the 19th century to the present. Thematically organized to examine avant-garde and alternative forms, as well as commercial and mainstream theatre.
    Same as: PATH 342 
    GenEd: C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 344 - World Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 344)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Explores world dramatic literature in performance and production. The focus is largely on plays and performance texts by non-Western authors, and is organized around one or more themes. This course is regional in organization rather than chronological. Texts studied feature the following regions: Asia, Oceania, South Asia & Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.
    Same as: PATH 344 
    GenEd: C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 349 - Perspectives on Multicultural Literature

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    An introduction to the diversity of American literatures, their unique literary traditions and forms, and what they hold in common. An emphasis on becoming cross-cultural readers and writers aware of how culture influences literature. Formerly ENGL 449, changed Fall 2006.
    GenEd: C2, C3B, UDIGE
  • ENGL 354 - Studies in Cultural Literatures

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    In depth study of the literature of a particular culture chosen by the professor. Various genres, theoretical perspectives, and critical questions may be emphasized, along with comparisons among the literatures of various cultures. Repeatable by topic up to 9 units.
    GenEd: C2, C3B
  • ENGL 360 - Literary Theory

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent and one upper division literature course
    Introduces foundational theories currently influencing literary, social studies, and cultural analysis and criticism. Specific schools of theoretical inquiry include structuralist, materialist, psychoanalytic, deconstructive, feminist, gender, queer, postcolonial, critical race, reader response, and cultural studies. This course was formerly known as ENGL 420, changed January 2009.
  • ENGL 378 - Contemporary Native American Authors: Telecourse

    Units: 3
    One hour lecture per week and four hours activity per week.
    An introduction to the fiction and poetry produced by contemporary Native Americans. Authors of the works studied join the discussion of their work and concepts important to their work. Modes of discourse and the impact of Native American cultures, concerns and philosophy on the fiction and poetry of these authors are the primary foci of the course. Students will meet with the course instructor three times during the semester; otherwise, students will view the telecourse tapes, read the assigned books, read the essays in the workbook, and do the assigned activities explained in the workbook on their own.
  • ENGL 400 - Contemporary Literature

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent and one upper division literature course
    Survey of world trends in literature, possibly including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and/or drama. Specific topics vary from term to term. Repeatable by topic.
  • ENGL 410 - Shakespeare’s Plays (Cross-listed as PATH 410)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent and one upper division literature course
    Study of the many aspects of Shakespeare’s plays as literature– language, context, form and style—as well as the ways in which these elements work as parts of a whole, which includes spoken speech and other sounds as well as physical form and movement.
    Same as: PATH 410 
  • ENGL 412 - Drama of Ancient Greece (Cross-listed as PATH 412)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or equivalent and one upper division literature course
    A survey of ancient Greek drama and the culture/society that produced it. The course will examine a representative sample of the major plays. Among the topics considered will be: the tragic and comic festivals, tragedy’s relationship with Athenian democracy, the nature of Greek theaters and ancient theatrical production techniques, religion and drama, women and tragedy, tragic and comic heroism, myth and tragedy, and the legacy of Greek tragedy in the modern world.
    Same as: PATH 412
  • ENGL 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as HIST 430)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or HIST 280  or Consent of Instructor
    Bringing literature and history together, this course exposes students to a diverse range of work in art, literature, films, and history. It cultivates the students’ intellectual understanding of the topic from both a cross-disciplinary and a cross-cultural perspective. It emphasizes reading, writing, analytical skills, and communication skills. Topics and themes may vary under the same title. Repeatable up to 9 units.
    Same as: HIST 430 
    GenEd: C3B, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 431 - European Renaissance Literature and Art (Cross-listed as ART 431)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  orENGL 105  or equivalent
    Examination of the literature and art of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries in Europe and England, focusing on the re-birth of the human spirit and the legacies of the Renaissance artists and writers.
    Same as: ART 431
    GenEd: C1, C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ART 432, PAMU 432)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing
    Study focusing on the dramatic upsurge of creativity in art, music and literature resulting from social and political undercurrents in the African American cultural revolution in New York during the 1920’s. Historical geneses and subsequent artistic legacies will also be explored.
    Same as: ART 432 , PAMU 432 
    GenEd: C1, C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as GEND 433)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent
    Introduction to the field of gay/lesbian/ bisexual/transgender studies through the reading of literature and theory.
    Same as: GEND 433 
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE
  • ENGL 444 - Original Practice in Renaissance Drama (Cross-listed as PATH 444)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    In this class, students will learn about the theaters of the Renaissance, the playwrights whose plays were performed in them, and explore the differences that occur when the plays are performed in a venue resembling those of the original Rose, Blackfriars and Globe theaters.
    Same as: PATH 444
    GenEd: C2, UDIGE
  • ENGL 454 - Multicultural Literature Project/Seminar

    Units: 3
    Three hours seminar per week
    Prerequisite: Completion of 9 units from the English Emphasis in Multictural Literature and consent of instructor
    As the culmination of the Multicultural Literature Emphasis, the purpose of this independent study course is to produce a significant work in the genre of the student’s choice, chosen in consultation with his or her instructor.
  • ENGL 456 - Women’s Fiction

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 220  or ENGL 250 
    This course examines the development of contemporary fiction by women and its relationship to men’s fiction by men. It compares style and theme across social class and ethnicities, analyzing the historical context of each novel or short story. The course will raise critical questions about a female literary tradition.
  • ENGL 461 - Fiction Writing

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 260  or Consent of Instructor
    The writing of fiction is the focus of this class. The seminar format allows students the opportunity to talk about their writing and to receive critiques from their peers as well as the instructor. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • ENGL 462 - Poetry Writing

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 260  or Consent of Instructor
    The writing of poetry is the focus of this class. The seminar format allows students the opportunity to talk about their poetry and to receive critiques from their peers as well as the instructor. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • ENGL 463 - Writing for the Stage (Cross-listed as PATH 463)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    The writing of stage plays is the focus of this class. The seminar format allows students the opportunity to talk about their writing and to receive critiques from their peers as well as the instructor. Repeatable by topic up to 6 units.
    Same as: PATH 463 
  • ENGL 464 - Creative Nonfiction

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 260  or Consent of Instructor
    The writing of creative non-fiction is the focus of this class. The seminar format allows students the opportunity to talk about their writing and to receive critiques from their peers as well as the instructor. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • ENGL 465 - Creative Writing Project

    Units: 3
    Six hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor and completion of ENGL 260  and 9 units from ENGL 461 , ENGL 462 , ENGL 463 , or ENGL 464 
    Gives students an opportunity apply their expertise by helping to edit and oversee the production of the CSU Channel Islands annual literary journal, thus gaining practical experience of a literary profession.
  • ENGL 466 - Screenwriting (Cross-listed as PA 466)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    The writing of screenplays is the focus of this class. The seminar format allows students the opportunity to talk about their writing and to receive critiques from their peers as well as the instructor. Repeatable by topic up to 6 units.
    Same as: PA 466
  • ENGL 474 - Approaches to English Grammar

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 315 
    This course uses various approaches to analyze the form, function, and meaning of English grammar, including alternative ways to understand grammar in the context of real language tasks. Particular attention is paid to cultural and social assumptions about grammar and how they have shaped our attitudes toward language use.
  • ENGL 475 - Language in Social Context

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent or Consent of Instructor
    Focus is on the nature of literacy, with emphasis on literacy development for English Only (EO) and English Language Learners (ELLs), investigation and knowledge of the development and acquisition of English literacy, and understanding the role of concepts and contexts in word meanings, vocabulary development, and multiple meanings. Also stressed will be differences between English and other languages that impact the acquisition of English literacy by ELLs, the role of primary language literacy in the development of English language among ELLs, and the impact of disabilities on oral and written English language development.
  • ENGL 477 - Adolescent Literature

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  and one upper-division literature course
    A survey of young adult literature in which students analyze young adult literature taught at the secondary level (grades 6-12). Works studied are selected for their diversity of subject matter, genre, cultural focus, and grade level. Students will engage in literary discussions of the works, analyze them in relation to the genre, and consider implications for adolescents in school and the larger society.
  • ENGL 478 - Writing as Reflective Practice

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  and ENGL 330  or Consent of Instructor
    This course will develop awareness of the thinking and learning processes that occur during writing. The focus will be on identifying, planning, and monitoring the thinking processes that develop while writing. This knowledge of process will be used to select and develop strategies that will improve the writing product. Writing will be extensive and will include expository, creative, and reflective genres.
  • ENGL 480 - Introduction to Grantwriting

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing
    Introduction to the grant-writing process. Includes needs assessment, researching funders, and preparing a proposal. Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively to identify authentic needs and develop a draft grant proposal that can serve as the seed for an actual proposal.
  • ENGL 482 - Technical and Business Writing

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 251  or ENGL 330 
    An overview of the field of technical and business writing. Students will engage in research, interviewing, and production of genres of technical writing, including reports, users guides, manuals, and technical descriptions; and business writing, including business communications and proposals. Current software will be introduced.
  • ENGL 483 - Technical Visual Communication

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: For Technical Writing Certificate students only, ENGL 482 
    The focus of this course is two-fold. First, the student will research and write a presentation on a topic of his or her choice, suitable for a specific application (conference, meeting, etc.) and receive critiques from his or her peers and the professor. Second, the student will use that paper to form the basis of a visual presentation using up-to-date technology of various forms.
  • ENGL 484 - Technical Writing for the Sciences

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: For Technical Writing Certificate students only, ENGL 482 
    Writing for the Sciences requires a specialized understanding of the process of writing as well as the content of the final essay or article. Students will learn to do research in specialized fields and to write for a variety of scientific journals and other publications.
  • ENGL 485 - Technical Writing Project/Seminar

    Units: 3
    Three hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 310, ENGL 330 , ENGL 482 , ENGL 483 , and ENGL 484 , and a passing evaluation on the portfolio of work from the Prerequisite courses. ENGL 483  or ENGL 484  may be taken concurrently with ENGL 485.
    As the culmination of the Technical Writing certificate program, this course may be an internship, independent study, seminar or a project course. Projects will be devised in consultation with the instructor.
  • ENGL 490 - Special Topics

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Concentrated study of selected authors or topics. Authors and/or topics change from term to term; therefore, students may take the course for credit more than once. Repeatable by topic up to 6 units.
  • ENGL 492 - Internship

    Units: 1-3
    Variable hours per week
    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing and Consent of Instructor
    Service learning/internship experience in business or organizational environment appropriate to student’s professional goals. Positions are arranged collaboratively with faculty, student and local organization and must meet program standards for internships. Repeatable up to 6 units.
  • ENGL 494 - Independent Study/Senior Research

    Units: 3
    Three hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and Consent of Instructor
    Students may do an independent study to further coursework begun in other courses, obtain an internship which utilizes knowledge gained thus far, or do research in preparation for the senior project. Repeatable.
  • ENGL 499 - Capstone Project/Senior Seminar

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture/discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Senior standing, a passing evaluation of the cumulative portfolio, and Consent of Instructor or advisor
    A culminating research project in English with a substantial paper that augments the B.A. in English.

Environmental Science & Resource Management

  • ESRM 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    This course covers a broad spectrum of environmental science topics including: biogeochemical cycles, biological diversity, world food supply, effects of agricultural production on the environment, energy, water and air environments, and societies’ impacts on the environment. Current environmental issues such as loss of biological diversity, global climate change, ozone depletion, and natural resource management will be discussed.
    GenEd: B2, D
  • ESRM 105 - Environmental Issues in Geography (Cross-listed as GEOG 105)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Introduction to basic concepts in geography and related environmental issues. Examines environmental impact on human affairs and human impact on the environment. Spatial awareness including cartographic knowledge, skills with global positioning systems (GPS) as well as hands-on experience using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is emphasized. This course is not open to ESRM majors.
    Same as: GEOG 105 
    GenEd: D
  • ESRM 200 - Principles of Resource Management, Conservation and Stewardship

    Units: 3
    Two hours lecture and two hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 100  and BIOL 200 
    Students will work with the National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey or other agencies on related resource projects.
  • ESRM 313 - Conservation Biology (Cross-listed as BIOL 313)

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week
    Prerequisite: BIOL 200 
    This course explores issues surrounding the conservation of biodiversity. Topics to be covered include: species-, population-, and ecosystem-level issues, biodiversity, extinction, sustained yield, exotic species, and reserve design. Management implications and the ecology of issues are integrated throughout the course.
    A lab fee is required.
    Same as: BIOL 313 
  • ESRM 328 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    Units: 3
    Two hours lecture and three hour laboratory per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 100  or Consent of Instructor
    Introduction to fundamental concepts and techniques of geographic information systems, including the collection, manipulation, analysis, interpretation, display, and communication of spatial information for environmental decision making.
    A lab fee is required.
    GenEd: B4
  • ESRM 329 - Environmental Law and Policy

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 100  or Consent of Instructor
    The purpose of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of environmental law and policy and familiarize students with the various types of legal mechanisms used to protect the environment. A practical grounding in the basic legal concepts central to environmental law and how laws have been applied at the local, state, national, and international level will be gained. Students will also explore the purpose and function of some of the larger environmental institutions and their relationships with the public, business, and the environmental community.
  • ESRM 332 - Human Ecology (Cross-listed as ANTH 332)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    This human ecology course places humans into the environment in historical and global contexts. Discusses systems theory as it applies to human adaptation to the environment. Studies the relations among political power, ideology, and resources, integrating concepts from ecology with those from social sciences. Theories and forecasts of human population growth and migration among regions and cultures. Social and environmental impacts of population and age distribution. Natural resource constraints on growth. Topics from land development, resource planning, environmental quality, politics, economic growth, conflicts and wars.
    Same as: ANTH 332 
    GenEd: D, UDIGE
  • ESRM 340 - Politics and the Environment (Cross-listed as POLS 340)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Exploration of environmental politics in both the international and domestic contexts.
    Same as: POLS 340 
    GenEd: D, UDIGE
  • ESRM 341 - The National Park (Cross-listed as POLS 341)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    An interdisciplinary, in-depth study of one or more units of the National Park Service from a variety of perspectives including Political Science, Public Administration, and Environmental Science and Resource Management. The course analyzes how conservation issues and practices, administrative and policy processes and interpretive (educational) programs work within the context of a national public resources agency. Each term this course will focus on one or more park unit in the region.
    Same as: POLS 341 
    GenEd: D, UDIGE
  • ESRM 342 - Environmental History (Cross-listed as HIST 342)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: Junior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Examines the historical interaction between humans and their environment. Special attention will be paid to the transformations of environments in the Americas and Europe.
    Same as: HIST 342 
    GenEd: D, UDIGE
  • ESRM 350 - Ecological Restoration Design and Construction

    Units: 4
    Two hours lecture and six hours laboratory per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 352 
    Introduction to environmental engineering. Students will partake in the planning and construction of ecological restoration projects in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and/or Los Angeles Counties. Particular projects will expose students to construction procedures and techniques central to the restoration of riparian, wetland, and terrestrial communities.
  • ESRM 351 - Field Methods: Monitoring and Assessment

    Units: 4
    Two hours lecture and six hours laboratory per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 313 
    Examines a wide range of field assessment methods useful for a variety of environmental characterization efforts such as range of transect, time constraint, trapping, and continuous sampling methodologies. Emphasizes practical skills development with students collecting field data and conducting subsequent analyses and assessment.
    A lab fee is required.
  • ESRM 352 - Theory and Practice of Ecological Restoration

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Introduces the theory and practice of modern ecological restoration. Conceptual similarities in the approach to wetland, riparian, forest, grassland, and subtidal restoration efforts will be explored. Special attention will be given to failed restoration efforts, articulating the conditions leading to such failures, and minimum performance standards for successful projects.
  • ESRM 410 - Environmental Impact Assessment

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: BIOL 433 , ECON 362 , ESRM 328  and ESRM 329 
    This course will introduce students to methods and procedures designed to assess and minimize human impacts on natural systems. Topics to be covered include the components of environmental impact reports and assessments, and the processes involved in preparation and approval. Also addressed will be the issues related to mitigating environmental impacts.
  • ESRM 428 - Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture per week Three hours laboratory per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 328 
    Study of concepts and techniques of geographic information systems, with special emphasis on environmental issues at multiple spatial scales.
  • ESRM 440 - Population Studies (Cross-listed as SOC 440)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: SOC 100  and MATH 202 
    This course focuses on the basic concepts, skills and issues in demography and population studies. It will apply concepts to contemporary population issues such as family demography, urban transition, environmental degradation, and economic development.
    Same as: SOC 440 
    GenEd: D, UDIGE
  • ESRM 443 - Environmental Communication (Cross-listed as COMM 443)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ESRM 100  and COMM 101  or COMM 320 
    Students will analyze and engage in debates about local, national and global environmental disputes. Topics include analysis of risk, community dialogue and strategic environmental messages.
    Same as: COMM 443 
    GenEd: D, UDIGE
  • ESRM 450 - Environmental Conflict Resolution (Cross-listed as COMM 450, POLS 450)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Provides practical experience in negotiation and mediation techniques within the context of complex environmental and public policy disputes.
    Same as: COMM 450 , POLS 450 
  • ESRM 462 - Coastal and Marine Resource Management

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture and two hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: BIOL 433 , ESRM 200  and ESRM 329 
    Provides an introduction to marine provinces , physical and biological oceanography, threats to the marine environment across various temporal and spatial scales and various policies and programs to improve resource management.
  • ESRM 463 - Water Resources Management

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture and two hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: BIOL 433 , ESRM 200 , and ESRM 329 
    Water management principles focusing on surface and ground water hydrology; water conservation, watershed development; water quality measurement and monitoring; water and wildlife/fisheries; and water conflicts.
  • ESRM 464 - Land Use Planning and Open Space Management

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture and two hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: BIOL 433 , ESRM 200  and ESRM 329 
    Examines various approaches to land use planning at the municipal, state, national, and international level focusing on the role of land use planning in managing open space and protected area lands within and adjacent to urban areas.
  • ESRM 482 - Issues in Environmental Planning and Resource Management

    Units: 3
    Three hours seminar per week
    Prerequisite: BIOL 433 , ECON 362  and ESRM 329 
    Selected issues in resource development derived from current resource policy changes, or other emerging topics of interest.
  • ESRM 483 - Issues in Global Resource Management

    Units: 3
    Three hours seminar per week
    Prerequisite: Senior Standing or Consent of Instructor
    Selected issues in global resource management. Topics may include climate change, ocean management, desertification, air pollution, ozone depletion, patterns of consumption, water pollution, water allocation, international policy or legislative instruments, or other topics as appropriate.
  • ESRM 490 - Special Topics

    Units: 3
    Three hours seminar per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    In-depth analysis of current topics in environmental science and resource management. Topics vary each semester.
  • ESRM 491 - Capstone Preparation

    Units: 1
    Two hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in the Environmental Science and Resource Management major
    Research and develop a proposal for an ESRM project. Repeatable up to 3 units.
  • ESRM 492 - Service Learning/Internship

    Units: 3
    Six hours per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    Individual internship through service learning. Repeatable up to 6 units.
    Graded: Credit/No Credit
  • ESRM 494 - Independent Research

    Units: 1-3
    Variable hours per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    Individual research on topic selected by the student and faculty mentor. Repeatable.
    Graded: Credit/No Credit
  • ESRM 499 - Capstone

    Units: 3
    Three hours of lecture / discussion per week
    Prerequisite: Upper division required courses in ESRM major (may be completed concurrently)
    This course consists of an interdisciplinary evaluation of the physical, biological, social, economic, and legal dimensions of environmental decision-making. The instructor will select from Southern California ecosystems - and decisions with associated environmental impacts – for evaluation and analysis. Topics include decisions to reduce, control, or treat surface water run-off, establishing or changing the management of marine protected areas, dredging in harbors, and permits for coastal development. Students will provide results to appropriate national, state, or local agencies for consideration and deliberation in administrative decisions.


  • FIN 300 - Business Finance

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ACCT 220 , MATH 140  or MATH 150 
    Principles of planning, procuring, and controlling short term and long-term financial resources of business organizations. Topics include: cash and capital budgeting, debt and equity markets, security evaluations, cost and structure of capital.
  • FIN 321 - Public Budgeting (Cross-listed as POLS 321)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Examines the major concepts of public budgeting and finance in the United States. Key topics of study include: expenditure estimation, revenue forecasting, capital budgeting, budget reform and financial management. The politics that characterizes the budgetary process will be emphasized throughout.
    Same as: POLS 321 
  • FIN 410 - Financial Markets and Institutions

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: FIN 300 
    Broadly covers the operations, mechanics, and structure of the U.S financial system. Provides an in-depth discussion of selected topics critical to financial management.
  • FIN 411 - Corporate Finance Management

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: FIN 300 
    Provides an in-depth coverage of key concepts and theoretical principles of modern corporate finance, including analytical tools necessary for managerial decision making.
  • FIN 412 - International Financial Management

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: FIN 300 
    Introduction to the multinational financial environment and management. Focuses on foreign exchange markets, foreign exchange risk management, international working capital management, foreign investment analysis, international capital budgeting, international diversification, cost of capital and capital structure of the multinational firm and political risk management.
  • FIN 413 - Investment Analysis

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: FIN 300 
    Introduction to different investment instruments and strategies along with the securities available to the investor. Explores types of markets, market indicators, investment banking, types of orders and securities markets regulation.
  • FIN 421 - Public Financial Management

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: FIN 300 
    Examines principles, methods and concepts of financial management used in non-profit sector. Disciplines of accounting, budgeting, operations control, auditing and management are integrated into comprehensive financial systems. Theoretical design and practical implementation issues are explored.
  • FIN 490 - Special Topics

    Units: 3
    Three hours seminar per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    In-depth analysis of current topics in finance. Topics vary each semester Repeatable up to 9 units.
  • FIN 492 - Service Learning/Internship

    Units: 3
    Six hours activity per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    Individual internship through service learning. Repeatable.
    Graded: Credit/No Credit
  • FIN 497 - Directed Study

    Units: 1-3
    Variable hours per week
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
    Individual contracted study on topics or research selected by the student and faculty mentor. Repeatable up to 9 units.
    Graded: Credit/No Credit

Freedom and Justice Studies

  • FJS 210 - Ethics for a Free World (Cross-listed as PHIL 210)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Students will explore concepts and practices of ethics, freedom, and justice by comparing how these have been theorized and practiced in relationship to each other across at least two times periods and cultures. Starting from a foundation in philosophy and developing an interdisciplinary lens, this class examines these foundational concepts and practices especially as engaged across the fields of identity and civil rights-based studies (including religious, ethnic, women’s, gender, sexuality, and disability studies, etc.)
    Same as: PHIL 210 
    GenEd: A3, D
  • FJS 340 - Exploring Freedom and Justice

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Starting from philosophical understandings of identity, community, and democracy the course focuses on themes such as slavery and emancipation; migration, exile, and diaspora; violence and reconciliation. Using an interdisciplinary lens that engages fields as wide-ranging as economics and literature, students will engage in trans-historical, cross-cultural exploration of freedom and justice and the various ways different peoples have attempted to put them into practice. Students will engage tools to analyze the relationship between these concepts and the structure of identity and its material effects.
    GenEd: C3B, D, UDIGE

Gender Studies

  • GEND 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as ENGL 433)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: ENGL 103  or ENGL 105  or Equivalent
    Introduction to the field of gay/lesbian/ bisexual/transgender studies through the reading of literature and theory.
    Same as: ENGL 433 
    GenEd: C2, D, UDIGE


  • GEOG 105 - Environmental Issues in Geography (Cross-listed as ESRM 105)

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Introduction to basic concepts in geography and related environmental issues. Examines environmental impact on human affairs and human impact on the environment. Spatial awareness including cartographic knowledge, skills with global positioning systems (GPS) as well as hands-on experience using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is emphasized. This course is not open to ESRM majors.
    Same as: ESRM 105 
    GenEd: D
  • GEOG 201 - Culture and Historical Geography of the World

    Units: 3
    Three hour lecture per week
    A geographic study of the world and the basic relationship between the Physical environment including topography, climate, natural vegetation, soils, and drainage patterns etc. and including the cultural aspects (political, social, economic, urban, and rural life etc.) within the major realms or regions of the world, with a detailed study of some selected regions.
    GenEd: D


  • GEOL 121 - Physical Geology

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture per week and three hours laboratory per week
    This course examines the basic composition of the Earth and the dynamic forces which have altered the Earth’s surface through time, including sedimentation, erosion, volcanism, earthquakes, plate tectonics, and mountain-building. Students will understand the immense processes affecting their environment.
    GenEd: B1
  • GEOL 122 - Historical Geology

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    This course focuses upon the geological history of the Earth and the Solar System from the origin of the cosmos to the present, tracing the evolution of the continents and ocean basins, and the evolution of plants and animals through time. Surveys events in Earth’s past of relevance to present environmental issues.
    GenEd: B1
  • GEOL 300 - Foundations of Earth Science

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week
    Prerequisite: PHSC 170 
    Principles of geology, hydrology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy for the elementary school teacher.
  • GEOL 310 - California Geology

    Units: 3
    Three hours lecture per week
    Prerequisite: GEOL 121 , GEOL 122 
    Focuses on California’s geologic history, provinces, and resources and will feature field trips to a number of the provinces.
  • GEOL 321 - Environmental Geology

    Units: 4
    Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week
    Interrelationships between human and natural geologic hazards: tsunami, earthquakes, landslides, subsidence, volcanoes. Explores environmental impact of resource extraction and usage, the importance of understanding the geologic processes and landscape in land use planning, and the means of using geology to minimize conflicts in resource management and disaster preparation.
    GenEd: B1

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