Sep 15, 2024
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
GE: Double-Counting Multicultural Perspectives (MP) & Upper Division General Education (UDGE) Courses
Courses that meet both MP and UDGE course requirements:
- ART 332 - Multicultural Art Movements Units: 3
- ART 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as HIST 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- ART 351 - The Baroque Eye: Art, Culture, Money, and Power Units: 3
- ART 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ENGL 432, PAMU 432) Units: 3
- ART 435 - Postmodern Visual Culture Units: 3
- ART 451 - Diversity in the Visual Arts Units: 3
- CHS 315 - Nahuatl Language and Philosophy Units: 3
- CHS 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, HIST 333) Units: 3
- CHS 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334, HIST 334) Units: 3
- CHS 352 - Aztec Dance and Culture (Cross-listed as PA 352) Units: 3
- CHS 353 - Chicana/o Latina/o Literature (Cross-listed as ENGL 353) Units: 3
- ENGL 333 - Multicultural Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 333) Units: 3
- ENGL 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as HIST 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- ENGL 349 - Perspectives on Multicultural Literature Units: 3
- ENGL 353 - Chicana/o Latina/o Literature (Cross-listed as CHS 353) Units: 3
- ENGL 355 - Literatures of Africa and the Diaspora (Cross-listed as FJS 355) Units: 3
- ENGL 356 - Literatures of Asia and the Diaspora Units: 3
- ENGL 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as HIST 430) Units: 3
- ENGL 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ART 432, PAMU 432) Units: 3
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as GEND 433) Units: 3
- FJS 355 - Literatures of Africa and the Diaspora (Cross-listed as ENGL 355) Units: 3
- GEND 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as ENGL 433) Units: 3
- HIST 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- HIST 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- HIST 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as ENGL 430) Units: 3
- PA 352 - Aztec Dance and Culture (Cross-listed as CHS 352) Units: 3
- PA 360 - Musical Theatre Units: 3
- PADA 332 - Dance in History Units: 3
- PAMU 330 - Jazz in America Units: 3
- PAMU 332 - World Music Units: 3
- PAMU 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ENGL 432, ART 432) Units: 3
- PATH 333 - Multicultural Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as ENGL 333) Units: 3
- ANTH 323 - Native Californians Units: 3
- ANTH 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as HIST 442) Units: 3
- ART 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as HIST 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- CHS 320 - Gender and Sexuality in the Chicana/o Community Units: 3
- CHS 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, HIST 333) Units: 3
- CHS 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334, HIST 334) Units: 3
- CHS 335 - Chicana Feminisms Units: 3
- CHS 342 - Reproductive Health and Justice in the Chicana/o Community (Cross-listed as HLTH 342) Units: 3
- CHS 343 - Health Issues in the Latina/o Community (Cross-listed as HLTH 343 and NRS 343) Units: 3
- CHS 349 - Chicana/os, Latina/os, and Education (Cross-listed as EDUC 349) Units: 3
- CHS 401 - Latina/o Workers in a Global Economy Units: 3
- CHS 402 - Southern California Chicana/o History and Culture (Cross-listed as HIST 402) Units: 3
- CHS 445 - Chicano Child and Adolescent (Cross-listed as EDUC 445) Units: 3
- COMM 345 - Media Literacy and Youth Culture (Cross-listed as EDUC 345) Units: 3
- EDUC 345 - Media Literacy and Youth Culture (Cross-listed as COMM 345) Units: 3
- EDUC 349 - Chicana/os, Latina/os, and Education (Cross-listed as CHS 349) Units: 3
- EDUC 412 - Equity, Diversity, and Foundations of Schooling Units: 3
- EDUC 445 - Chicano Child and Adolescent (Cross-listed as CHS 445) Units: 3
- ENGL 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as HIST 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- ENGL 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as HIST 430) Units: 3
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as GEND 433) Units: 3
- FJS 340 - Exploring Freedom and Justice Units: 3
- GEND 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as ENGL 433) Units: 3
- HIST 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- HIST 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- HIST 343 - The Long Civil Rights Movement (Cross-listed as SOC 343) Units: 3
- HIST 351 - History of African Americans Units: 3
- HIST 401 - Immigration, Race, and Citizenship in the United States Units: 3
- HIST 402 - Southern California Chicana/o History and Culture (Cross-listed as CHS 402) Units: 3
- HIST 430 - Tradition and Transformation: Literature, History, and Cultural Change (Cross-listed as ENGL 430) Units: 3
- HIST 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as ANTH 442) Units: 3
- HLTH 342 - Reproductive Health and Justice in the Chicana/o Community (Cross-listed as CHS 342) Units: 3
- HLTH 343 - Health Issues in the Latina/o Community (Cross-listed as CHS 343, NRS 343) Units: 3
- NRS 343 - Health Issues in the Latina/o Community (Cross-listed as CHS 343, HLTH 343) Units: 3
- POLS 306 - The Politics of Race and Ethnicity Units: 3
- PSY 344 - Psychology and Traditional Asian Thought Units: 3
- SOC 333 - Education and Social Inequalities (Cross-listed as EDUC 333) Units: 3
- SOC 343 - The Long Civil Rights Movement (Cross-listed as HIST 343) Units: 3