Jul 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Prefix and Numbering Index

Prefix List

Prefix   Type Prefix   Type
ACCT   Accounting FREN   French
ANTH   Anthropology GEND   Gender Studies
ARAB   Arabic GEOG   Geography
ART   Art GEOL   Geology
ASL   American Sign Language GLST   Global Studies
ASTR   Astronomy HIST   History
BINF   Bioinformatics HLTH   Health Science
BIOL   Biology IT   Information Technology
BME   Biomedical Engineering LIB   Library
BUS   Business LS   Liberal Studies
CHEM   Chemistry MATH   Mathematics
CHIN   Chinese MATHES   Mathematics Early Start
CHS   Chicana/o Studies MGT   Management
CLS   Clinical Laboratory Science MIS   Management Information Systems
COMM   Communication MKT   Marketing
COMP   Computer Science NRS   Nursing
ECON   Economics MPA   Masters Public Administration
ECS   Early Childhood Studies PA   Performing Arts
EDAP   Education - Accellerated Program PADA   Performing Arts - Dance
EDCI   Education - Curriculum and Instruction PAMU   Performing Arts - Music
EDML   Education - Multilingual PATH   Performing Arts - Theatre
EDMS   Education - Multiple Subject PHED   Physical Education
EDPL   Education - Principals Leadership PHIL   Philosophy
EDSS   Education - Single Subject PHSC   Physical Science
EDUC   Education PHYS   Physics
EMEC   Mechatronics POLS   Political Science
ENGL   English PSY   Psychology
ESRM   Environmental Science & Resource Management SOC   Sociology
ESW   English Early Start SPAN   Spanish
FIN   Finance SPED   Special Education
FJS   Freedom of Justice UNIV   University

Course Numbering

0 - 99
100 - 499
100 - 299
300 - 499
490 - 499




500 - 699
700 - 799
800 - 899
900 - 999
1000 - 1099


Pre-baccalaureate (no degree credit)
Bacculaureate courses
Lower - Division Courses
Upper - Division Courses
Directed Studies Courses - variable topic credit courses
Special Topics - variable topics/credit courses
Service Learning/Internship Courses - variable credits
Independent Research Courses - variable credits
Seminar Courses - variable credits
Directed Studies Courses - variable topics/credit courses
Senior Thesis Courses -variable topics/credit courses
Undergraduate Capstone Courses

Graduate and Teacher Credential Courses
[Reserved for future unseen uses]
Continuing education units
Credit, non-degree courses
Non-credit, non-graded courses (e.g., OLLI)