Feb 08, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Affairs

Division of Academic Affairs

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Bell Tower West, Room 2188 - (805) 437-8441

The Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs is charged with the overall administration of all academic units in the context of the University as a whole. The Provost provides direction regarding accreditation, faculty selection, evaluation, and performance; is responsible for analysis of the division’s academic programs, policies, and procedures; and directs studies on major operational concerns. The Provost consults with the Academic Senate and University committees in order to maintain institutional focus on the campus mission and to enhance student learning. Among the academic offices reporting to the Provost are the Dean for Arts & Sciences, the Dean for the MVS School of Business & Economics, the Dean for the School of Education, the Dean of the University Library, the Dean of Extended University, the AVP of Enrollment Management Services, Academic Resources, Faculty Affairs, Research & Sponsored Programs, and Academic Programs & Planning.

Program Areas and Schools

School of Arts & Sciences

Bell Tower West, Room 1131 - (805) 437-3253

Applied Physics
Bell Tower East, Room 2807 - (805) 437-8815

Napa Hall, Room 1154 - (805) 437-2772

Aliso Hall, Room 103 - (805) 437-2779

Aliso Hall, Room 103 - (805) 437-2779

Chicana/o Studies
Madera Hall, Room 2384 - (805) 437-3139

Bell Tower West, Room 1199 - (805) 437-3272

Computer Science
Bell Tower East, Room 2807 - (805) 437-8815

English: Literature and Writing
Bell Tower West, Room 1199 - (805) 437-3272

Environmental Science and Resource Management
Bell Tower West, Room 1131 - (805) 437-3253

Madera Hall, Room 2384 - (805) 437-3139

Bell Tower East, Room 2807 - (805) 437-8815

Manzanita Hall, Room 1210 - (805) 437-2691

Performing Arts
Napa Hall, Room 1154 - (805) 437-2772

Political Science
Madera Hall, Room 2384 - (805) 437-3139

Madera Hall, Room 1612 - (805) 437-8835

Bell Tower West, Room 1131 - (805) 437-3253

Bell Tower West, Room 1199 - (805) 437-3272

University Experience
Madera Hall, Room 1612 - (805) 437-3139

Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics

Business & Economics
Sage Hall, Room 2139 - (805) 437-8545

School of Education

Madera Hall, Room 2727 - (805) 437-8594

Liberal Studies (B.A.)

  • Concentrated Studies Emphasis
  • Integrated Teaching Credential Emphasis
  • Teaching and Learning Emphasis

Early Childhood Studies (B.A.)

Teaching Credentials

  • Multiple Subject
  • Single Subject
  • Single Subject Intern
  • Education Specialist (Mild/Moderate)
  • Education Specialist (Mild/Moderate) Intern
  • Bilingual Authorization 

Administrative Credentials

  • Administrative Services Preliminary

Master of Arts in Education (M.A.)

  • Curriculum and Instruction Emphasis
  • Disability Studies Emphasis

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership (M.A.)

  • Higher Education Emphasis
  • P-12 Emphasis

Collaborative Online Doctorate in Educational Leadership (CODEL) (Ed.D.) 

  • P-12 Education Leadership
  • Post-secondary Education Leadership



Academic Programs & Planning

Bell Tower West  Room 2295 - (805) 437-2749

Academic Programs & Planning has responsibility for developing and updating the campus academic master plan and facilitating proposals for new degrees and programs. The office coordinates academic planning with enrollment management, assessment, and physical space planning, and coordinates relations with the Chancellor’s Office on academic plans and program reviews.

With respect to academic programs, the office assists Academic Senate committees in their work on course and program development and modification.  The office is the custodian of record for courses and programs and produces the university catalog.

Academic Resources

Bell Tower West, Room 2169 - (805) 437-3763

Academic Resources manages the budget and expenditure processes in Academic Affairs and guides financial operations and reporting for the division.


Enrollment Management

Sage Hall, Room 1020 - (805) 437-8509


All offices in Enrollment Services can be reached through the “one stop” Enrollment Center.  Enrollment Management includes the Enrollment Center, Admissions & Recruitment, Financial Aid & Scholarships, Records & Registration, and Student Systems.  Student questions concerning admission, graduation, academic requirements report, scholarships, federal work study, veterans’ benefits, and California residency eligibility may be answered by Enrollment Management personnel.

Admissions & Recruitment


The Admissions & Recruitment office accepts and processes admission applications for both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs. Eligibility for admission to CI is governed by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Recruitment provides information, campus tours and programs to inform prospective students of what CI has to offer.

Financial Aid & Scholarships


The Financial Aid & Scholarships office assists students in obtaining financial aid resources to meet their educational costs. Students interested in applying for financial aid must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov or a Dream Act Application at dream.csac.ca.gov. A variety of financial aid resources are available to students, including grants, loans, federal work study, and scholarships. Students must complete and submit a FAFSA to be considered for federal and state grants and loans. Dream Act students interested in applying for state grants and private scholarship must submit a Dream Act Application. Please refer to the Financial Aid website.

Records & Registration


The Records & Registration office maintains timely and accurate records on enrollment, the academic progress and accomplishments of its students, while maintaining the privacy and security of those records.


The Registration activities for new and continuing students include eligibility for registration and assignment of registration appointments. Students enroll at myCI (https://myci.csuci.edu). Assistance in registering for classes is available on the Records and Registration Web page located at http://www.csuci.edu/records-registration/index.htm.


Verification of degree requirements is a function of Records & Registration. Students must file for graduation for the term in which they will have completed all requirements. Application for graduation must be made by the published deadline. Forms for graduation and re-application to change graduation terms are found at http://www.csuci.edu/records-registration/rec_reg_library.htm


Veterans Affairs



CI supports the California Veterans Education Opportunities Partnership (VEOP). Students who are eligible for benefits as a veteran, dependent or reservist should contact the Veterans Affairs Program coordinator in the Veterans Resource Center for assistance in applying for educational benefits and education certification. Required paperwork must be completed each semester.

Advising Center

Bell Tower, Room 1595 - (805) 437-8571

At CI, the role of advising is shared with faculty advisors and professional advisors. Academic advising is a continuous process that supports students throughout their academic journey at the University. Students are ultimately responsible for their education planning and meeting all graduation requirements. Students need to be familiar with the University catalog policies and major and degree policies. To ensure academic success and to remain on course, students are encouraged to maintain regular contact with academic advisors.

Academic advisors in the Advising Center provide guidance with general education and graduation requirements, monitoring of the student’s degree progress, undeclared major advising, clarification of academic probation policies, and other institutional policies and procedures. In addition to taking advantage of the center’s professional academic advisors, students can develop a mentoring relationship with a faculty advisor upon declaration of a major. Faculty advisors assist students with clarification of major requirements and assist students with internship and career opportunities.

Students may call or stop by the Advising Center check-in counter to schedule an appointment with one of our professional academic advisors. Major faculty advisors are available on a walk-in basis or by appointment. For faculty advisor availability and office locations, please check the Advising Center lobby display case. Advisors are busiest during registration periods and the first few weeks of the semester. Students are encouraged to schedule advising sessions during non-peak times. The Advising Center hours are: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Learning Resource Center

John Spoor Broome Library 2760 - (805) 437-8409

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is open to support all members of the CI community in their academic endeavors.  The LRC offers drop-in peer tutoring in mathematics during all business hours, as well as peer tutoring in many other subjects depending on tutor availability.  Information regarding tutor schedules and subject specialties is posted on the LRC website. Check with the Center for current availability.

LRC tutors work with students to help them develop study skills, understand and comprehend fundamental concepts, work on homework assignments, prepare for exams, and much more.  The LRC provides individual tutoring, academic success resources, and many other services to meet the needs of the CI community. 

LRC business hours are:

  • Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 7 pm
  • Fridays and Saturdays, 10 am to 2 pm

Contact us at LRC@csuci.edu for more information.

Writing & Multiliteracy Center

John Spoor Broome Library - 2675 (805) 437-8934


At the Writing and Multiliteracy Center (WMC), highly qualified peer tutors are available to work with students on any writing topic and project from an application letter to the final draft of a capstone paper.  The WMC assists students with composing a first draft, organizing their ideas, integrating research, and polishing their completed work.  Sessions on grammar, syntax, and usage are also available.

The WMC provides individual and group tutoring, writing workshops, and other services to meet the writing needs of undergraduate and graduate students.  Appointments typically last 30 minutes.  However, they can be as long as an hour for students registered with the Educational Access Center and for students working on longer projects.  

WMC business hours are:

(in person and online)

Monday        9:00am - 6:00pm
                         7:00pm-9:00pm WL*
Tuesday        9:00am - 8:00pm
Wednesday  9:00am - 8:00pm 
                         8:00pm-10:00pm WL*
Thursday      9:00am - 8:00pm
                       10:00am-12:00pm WL*
Friday           9:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday      2:00pm - 6:00pm
Sunday         2:00pm - 6:00pm

*WL = Writing Labs

WMC provides extended hours during the weeks leading up to Finals week. See our complete calendar for details.

*May offer extended hours toward the end of the semester when it tends to get busier.*

*** Please note that the WMC is closed during winter break, spring break, summer break, and all University holidays ***



Credential Services & Field Placement Office

Madera Hall, Room 2900 - (805) 437-8953

The Credential office is responsible for facilitating admission to all credential programs. Our staff serves as a campus resource to provide advice, assistance, and current information to students, members of the faculty, and other interested parties on matters regarding the state and the campus credential requirements. Credential staff members serve as a liaison between the campus and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, by recommending the issuance of teaching and administrative credentials. Advising services are available with the goal of supporting individuals interested or engaged in the teaching profession. Information meetings are conducted to provide admissions assistance and an overview of the teaching field. Resource materials, including admissions and credential materials, test bulletins, and test preparation referrals are provided.

Extended University

Sage Hall, Room 2109 - (805) 437-2748

Extended University responds to important needs in the community for continuing access to higher education, and provides overall support of the University’s commitment to lifelong learning. It offers special session degree programs, credit and non-credit courses, and certificate programs. Extended University serves professionals throughout their career life cycles with job skills training, career upgrades, professional certifications, and accelerated courses of study. Additionally, the office custom designs courses for various groups and businesses in Ventura County and utilizes a mix of evening and weekend schedules, distance-learning technologies, and classroom locations throughout Ventura County and Santa Barbara Counties. Finally, it assists individuals of all ages seeking to enhance their lives through personal and cultural enrichment. For those who have not been admitted to the University, students can enroll in regularly scheduled degree-credit courses through Open University.

Certificate Programs:

  • Certificate in Business Administration
  • Certificate in Social Business
  • Certificate in Chemistry
  • Certificate in Technical Writing
  • Certificate in Digital Media Art
  • Healthcare Interpreting: Spanish
  • Pest Control Adviser
  • Guitar
  • Spanish Translation

Degree Programs:

  • For admission and course schedule information on the following special session degree programs, contact Extended University at (805) 437-2748 or click on the degree program website link.


  • Dual MS Biotechnology/MBA Degree
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Science in Mathematics
  • Master of Science in Biotechnology & Bioinformatics


  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN, ADN-BSN)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
  • CI Summer Programs

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) was created in 2004 to offer University-quality courses to mature adults over 50 years of age seeking intellectual stimulation and enhancement. Courses do not carry college credit, and thus do not entail tests or grading. Eighteen to twenty courses are offered during each of the eight-week fall, winter, and spring semesters. Courses meet on weekday mornings and afternoons on the CI campus, and on occasion in Ventura, Ojai, Thousand Oaks, and in Camarillo on weekdays, evenings, and Saturdays.  For a nominal fee, those 50 and better may become a member of the Institute for a single semester, or for the entire year. Annual membership entitles seniors to course enrollment all year, attendance at the speaker series, participation in day trip programs, and on campus library privileges. Members also have the opportunity to serve on the steering committee which determines curriculum and many other aspects of the program.

Courses are taught by CI faculty, retired college and university faculty, and persons with special expertise. Each semester a balanced and varied program of courses is offered in the arts, music, social and natural sciences, English and literature, and history.

The fall session begins the third week of August. The winter session begins in early January, and the spring session begins in mid March. Registration opens in June, for the fall session and in October for the winter and spring sessions. To enroll, call (805) 437-2748.

Open University


Open University provides an opportunity for those people who are not currently admitted to CI to enroll in courses offered by the regular University.

  • Begin Working Towards a Degree: Have you missed the deadline for admission? Do you want to improve your grade point average to better qualify for admittance?
  • Sample a Field or Possible Career: Are you thinking of a career change? Do you want to examine a new field before enrolling in a degree program?
  • Professional and Personal Enrichment: Do you want to update your professional training in specific fields? Interested in learning more about a particular subject for your own personal growth? CSU Channel Islands’ Open University program allows enrollment in regular University credit classes on a “space available” basis, subject to the approval of the instructor and Academic Affairs. Check the CI Schedule of Classes for class meeting times and location. The registration process is easy. Admission to the University is not required, and the same fees apply to everyone.

Students may apply up to 24 units taken through Open University toward a baccalaureate degree. Grades received through this program will be factored into your grade point average at CI. Units earned through Open University may not be applied toward the 30 unit residency requirement

We cannot guarantee a space nor assure that you will be permitted to enroll in any class. Instructors are not required to accept Open University students even if space is available.

Open University is NOT available to:

  • Matriculated students (those admitted for the current semester)
  • Non-matriculated international students with a score of less than 450 on the TOEFL examination or its equivalent

International students on F-1 or J-1 visas can find more information at International Programs.

Please check the Open University website for the latest information on pricing and registration.

(Graduate Studies Center)

El Dorado Hall - (805) 437-3579

The Graduate Studies Center (GSC) is dedicated to providing academic, professional and personal support services for post baccalaureate and graduate students at CI.  Our services aim to facilitate access to post baccalaureate programs, to promote student success and program completion, and to foster professional, personal, and workforce development.  We provide services to assist credential and graduate students with financial aid, career counseling, test preparation, writing instruction and program advising and provide graduate school outreach to undergraduate students.

The Graduate Writing Studio (GWS) located in the GSC is available by appointment for graduate and credential students needing assistance in writing their thesis, post-baccalaureate course papers or writing projects required by their programs here at CI. Writing Instructors can assist undergraduate students with their graduate school personal statements and graduate application writing.

Faculty Affairs

Bell Tower West, Room 2176
West Wing, 2nd Floor - (805) 437-3931

Faculty Affairs is the central location for all faculty-related programs, policies, and procedures.  This includes support to academic personnel regarding implementation of the Faculty (Unit 3) and Academic Student Employee (Unit 11) Collective Bargaining Agreements.  Faculty Affairs manages various personnel processes including:  faculty retention, tenure, and promotion; faculty grievance/arbitration; sabbatical/difference-in-pay leaves; and compensation programs such as the Faculty Early Retirement Program.  Faculty Affairs provides support for faculty recruitment, faculty orientation, and other related faculty personnel functions.  Faculty Affairs acts as custodian for official personnel files.

John Spoor Broome Library

(805) 437-8561

The John Spoor Broome Library supports the CI mission by building collections, offering research and reference services, and teaching information skills through active collaboration with students, faculty, and staff. Pritzker award winning architect, Lord Norman Foster, designed the Broome Library’s physical space by combining an existing, Mission Revival style building with a new, open, glass skin structure that serves as a metaphor by combining the newest in technologies and space with traditional Library collections and services for our student-centered digital teaching Library

The Library gives students access to a robust collection of 235,000 bound and digital books, over 20,000 electronic journals and newspapers, numerous databases, a comprehensive digital image collection, DVDs, CD’s, best sellers, and children’s books and K-8 curriculum  materials. In addition, the Library houses a number of interesting archival and special collections that can be used for original research.

The Library provides students with opportunities to engage and create. The building is home to the University Writing Center, the Learning Resource Center, and the Information Technology Help Desk. The building provides attractive and enticing spaces for inquiry and study for both individuals and small groups. There are 130 hardwired computers with additional laptop computers available for check out. The Library also circulates digital cameras, digital video cameras, GoPro cameras, digital tape recorders, and projection units. Each year the Library sponsors a number of events including the Children’s Reading Celebrations and Young Authors Fair, and the library’s traditional 24 hour “dead week” and final exam schedule featuring beverages throughout the night.

The Library offers classes and services that help students develop life-long information and computer skills. Librarians collaborate with faculty in all disciplines to provide information literacy sessions, resource specific instruction, reference service, and instruction on digital equipment. The entire Library staff works to insure that the John Spoor Broome Library is a helpful, comfortable, and welcoming place.

The Library also houses Unique Collections, which includes: the Robert J. Lagomarsino Collection, the Bracero Oral History Collection, Jorge Garcia Chicano Studies Collection, the ‘zine Collection, and the Ventura County Commission on Women Digital Collection.

Research & Sponsored Programs

(805) 437-8495

Research & Sponsored Programs (RSP) serves CI faculty and staff engaged in sponsored projects that contribute to the mission of the institution.  It also promotes faculty and student research, scholarly, and creative activities.  RSP assists the campus community in finding sources of project support, in proposal development, and insuring project compliance with sponsor, campus, CSU, state and federal government regulations, including the Institutional Review Board requirements for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research. RSP submits all final proposals to funding agencies on behalf of the institution, and it negotiates and facilitates the execution of the final contracts with the funding agencies including corporations, local, state and federal agencies.

Centers and Institutes

Center for Community Engagement

(805) 437-8851

The Center for Community Engagement’s (CCE) mission is to support and promote high impact service-learning in our communities by cultivating long-term sustainable partnerships that address societal challenges and foster engaged citizenship.

The CCE is the hub of curricular and co-curricular service-learning experiences at CSU Channel Islands (CI), providing resources and support to faculty, community partner and students engaging in purposeful educational opportunities that serve the community.

Service-learning is a direct expression of the CI mission and a critical component of the curriculum. These opportunities contribute to our students’ success, by equipping them with the knowledge and experience necessary to transform them into future leaders and socially-conscious citizens.

The four strategic directions include:

  • Institutionalize Community Engagement on campus, both through formal initiatives and informal practices.
  • Expand the number and range of opportunities for involvement in Community Engagement at CI.
  • Promote awareness and understanding of high impact practices and models for Community Engagement.
  • Cultivate mutually beneficial and long-term partnerships between campus and community partners.

Center for Integrative Studies


The mission of the Center for Integrative Studies is to serve as an organized source of information and support for integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to the creation, discovery, transmission and application of knowledge.

The goals of the Center for Integrative Studies are to:

  • Create the infrastructure for integrative and interdisciplinary teaching and learning;
  • Design and implement programs and curricula that promote integrative and interdisciplinary understanding for students in all fields of study;
  • Assist faculty in developing the integrative and interdisciplinary dimensions of their teaching, scholarship, and service activities;
  • Facilitate and develop academic and scholarly exchanges and partnerships for students and faculty; and
  • Coordinate activities that enhance campus awareness of interdisciplinary and integrative studies and their importance to the life of the campus and local community.

Center for International Affairs/International Programs

Ojai Hall - (805) 437-2608


The mission of the Center for International Affairs is to internationalize the CI educational experience.

The Center for International Affairs supports efforts to internationalize the curriculum, affords students the opportunity to study abroad, supports international faculty collaboration, and fosters links with higher education institutions around the world.

The objectives of the Center for International Affairs are to:

  • Design and implement policies and programs that promote cross-cultural and global understanding in all fields of study;
  • Assist faculty in developing the international dimension of their teaching, scholarship, and service activities;
  • Facilitate and develop academic and scholarly international exchanges and partnerships for students and faculty;
  • Diversify the student body to include outstanding students who represent a broad range of geographic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds; and
  • Coordinate all activities that enhance campus global awareness and augment the international life of the campus and local community.

Center for Multicultural Engagement


The mission of the Center for Multicultural Engagement (CME) is to create and sustain a campus climate in and out of the classroom that values and promotes all forms of diversity. It challenges students, staff, and faculty to commit to diversity as a source of renewal and vitality that empowers them to change the culture and the world through civic action.

The Center for Multicultural Engagement promotes working to end all forms of oppression and toward a just society so that all people can exist with equality and respect.

The objectives of the Center for Multicultural Engagement are to:

  • Offer advocacy and training for multi/intercultural competency
  • Create awareness of and opportunities for discussion of multi/intercultural issues that foster inclusion on campus.
  • Offer funding for professional growth and development of multi/intercultural scholarship (from theory to methodologies), pedagogy, and program development.
  • Support connections and integration of multi/intercultural research and theory to campus-wide practices.
  • Offer opportunities for ongoing multi/intercultural community building including intra- and intercampus cross-pollination, collaboration, and participation.
  • Collaborate on and support campus events, activities, and programs that increase multi/intercultural competencies.
  • Advocate for staff, space, and appropriate resources to address student needs and the expansion of our campus.

California Institute for Social Business


The California Institute for Social Business (CISB) was established in collaboration with Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus as part of the CSU Channel Islands’ commitment to provide students with innovative, state of the art educational programs that combine classroom learning with the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in a service learning environment. The CISB seeks to support its students in becoming Social Business entrepreneurs who have the desire to use financially sustainable business methods to solve the world’s most pressing issues. We identify, understand and resolve social problems in California, the US and at an international level by designing and implementing financially, environmentally and socially viable social business models. Upon completion of their degree, graduates ideally enter the job market as entrepreneurs, i.e. job creators, offering employment opportunities in their own social businesses instead of looking for a job. Graduates today can obtain a Minor and Certificate in Social Business. Three levels of the social business classes are offered at present with participating students working on the ground within non-profit consulting projects tackling social issues in our communities. For more information please visit the website at http://socialbusiness.csuci.edu.


Institute for Global Economic Research (IGER)


IGER is the first of its kind within this region and will be uniquely positioned to complement existing economic forecast programs by focusing on the global and national economies, with a particular emphasis on Pacific-Rim countries. The goal of the Institute will be to more closely link the local region to the global economy and to develop future workforce leadership through providing international perspectives to students and the community using experiential education methods.

IGER will link industry to the classroom through experiential learning and practical education. Graduate courses will be offered that cover current events and economic forecasting and they will be patterned after existing economic research departments at major corporations. Economic reports will be produced including U.S. economic and financial forecasts and country reports for some of the Pacific-Rim nations.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) - Students will be able to:

  • Explain how business economists practice within corporate environments
  • Describe how economic forecasts are developed
  • Explain the interaction of sectors of the global economy
  • Describe the organization of economic information and its use within industry


National Park Service

CI is home to two National Park Service centers. National Parks provide unique opportunities for scientific research in areas which are preserved and protected, and can be studied as reference points for comparisons with similar, altered environments. Our purpose on campus is to collaborate with CI faculty and students to initiate collaborative research and monitoring studies, educational programs, and service learning activities in National Parks.

The Mediterranean Coast Network is part of the National Park Service’s Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) Program. MEDN monitoring programs include vegetation, island foxes, reptiles and amphibians, deer mice, land birds, seabirds, water quality, kelp forests, and rocky intertidal communities. The I&M Program collects, organizes, and makes available natural resource data and facilitates the transformation of data into information through analysis, synthesis, modeling, and presentation. The I&M Program seeks partnerships to attain common goals and objectives related to the inventory and monitoring of park resources as well as science communication. For additional information on the MEDN I&M Program, please contact Stacey Ostermann-Kelm at (805) 338-3955, stacey.ostermann-kelm@csuci.edu, or stacey_ostermann@nps.gov.

The Southern California Research Learning Center is a National Park Service center established to assist scientists and students in conducting research in national parks. The research results compiled by faculty and students then assist park managers in making science-based decisions. Research Learning Centers facilitate scientific information sharing, and provide opportunities for faculty and students to learn about national parks. They are places where science and education come together to preserve and protect areas of national significance. For additional information on the Southern California Research Learning Center, please see www.mednscience.org.