Mar 12, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Records & Registration

Academic Leave

Students who take a one semester leave of absence from CI are considered continuing students and do not need to take any action prior to registration. Any student in good academic standing may apply to take a leave of absence from the university for up to four consecutive semesters. While a student may apply for multiple leaves, no student will be permitted more than six total semesters of leave from CI. Academic Leave Forms are available at the Records and Registration office.


Academic Load

A student’s academic load is determined by the number of units enrolled each semester.

Undergraduate Full-Time 12 + units
Undergraduate Part-Time 6 units
Graduate Full-Time 9 units
Graduate Part-Time 4 units

Academic Probation and Disqualification

This CI policy does not supersede additional policies or procedures mandated by Chancellor’s Executive Order 823.

Academic Probation

An undergraduate student is subject to academic probation if at any time the cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all college work attempted or the cumulative GPA at CI falls below 2.0. Probationary students will be advised of their status at the end of the semester. The communication will include conditions for removal from probation and the circumstances that would lead to disqualification. All probationary students are required to receive academic advising no later than the second week of the following semester. Students shall be removed from academic probation once they have received such advising and both the cumulative GPA in all college work attempted and the cumulative GPA average at CI are at least 2.0 or higher.


A post-baccalaureate student will be subject to academic probation if, after attempting 12 or more graded units, his or her post-baccalaureate cumulative GPA for units attempted at CI falls below a 2.50 average. The GPA will determine whether a student is subject to probation only when the student has attempted 12 semester units. A student enrolled in a graduate degree program in either conditionally classified or classified standing shall be subject to academic probation if he or she fails to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in all units attempted; no course in which the student receives lower than a C may be counted toward a Master’s degree.


Academic Disqualification

An undergraduate student on academic probation will be academically disqualified when the student’s GPA in all units attempted or in all units attempted at CI falls below the following: as a freshman, 1.50; as a sophomore, 1.70; as a junior,1.85; as a senior, 1.95. Students’ records will be evaluated for disqualification at the end of each semester. Students cannot be placed on probation for the first time at CI and be disqualified in the same semester. However, students who have previously been on probation at CI and fall below the GPA listed above will be academically disqualified, even if the probation and disqualification semesters are non-consecutive. A student may appeal disqualification no later than three weeks before the start of the semester following the disqualification. Appeals should be made to the office of the Provost or Designee. Appeals will be decided by the Academic Appeals Board. Typical grounds for a successful appeal include significant improvement towards meeting the GPA requirements and/or extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control, as determined by the Academic Appeals Board. A successful petition of appeal for disqualification will result in the student remaining on academic probation. Students who appeal unsuccessfully will need to apply for reinstatement as specified in the Policy on Reinstatement if they wish to continue at CI.


Administrative-Academic Probation

An undergraduate or graduate student may be placed on administrative-academic probation for any of the following reasons:

  • Withdrawal from more than half the units in which a student is enrolled in two successive semesters or in any three semesters (withdrawals directly associated with a medical condition are not included);
  • Repeated failure to progress toward the stated degree objective; or
  • Failure to comply, after due notice, with an academic requirement or regulation.

Probationary students will be advised of their status by letter at the end of the semester. The letter will include conditions for removal from probation and the circumstances that would lead to disqualification.

Administrative-Academic Disqualification

A student who has been placed on administrative-academic probation may be disqualified if:

  • The conditions for removal of academic-administrative probation are not met within the specified period;
  • The student becomes subject to academic probation while on administrative-academic probation; and
  • The student becomes subject to administrative-academic probation for the same or similar reason to a previous placement on academic-administrative probation, although not currently in such status.

When such action is taken, the student will receive written notification including an explanation of the basis for the action and the process for appeal.



In order to be considered for reinstatement to CI, a disqualified student must demonstrate academic ability by completing additional coursework. All classes taken must be applicable for degree credit at CI. After eliminating the grade-point deficiency, the student may petition the Academic Appeals Board for reinstatement. The student must submit the petition for reinstatement no later than three weeks before the beginning of the semester that the student intends to return. The Academic Appeals Board will only consider the petition for reinstatement of students who have remained outside of the university for at least one regular (Fall or Spring) semester after their dismissal. Students who are disqualified, reinstated, and become disqualified a second time will not be granted a second reinstatement.


Add Policy

  1. Students may add courses during the first three weeks of classes with approval signatures from the instructor.
  2. During the fourth week of instruction a student may add a class with the approval of the instructor and the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) as indicated by their signatures on the appropriate forms.

Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the Institution

Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the University’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal University procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in all courses and the need to apply for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term. Information on canceling registration and withdrawal procedures is available from Records & Registration, (805) 437-8500.

Students who receive financial aid funds must consult with the Financial Aid office prior to withdrawing from the University regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or payment period. If a recipient of student financial aid funds withdraws from the institution during an academic term or a payment period, the amount of grant or loan assistance received may be subject to return and/or repayment provisions.

For more information see Withdrawal from Courses policy and section entitled Schedule of Fees  for refund information.

Catalog Rights

Undergraduate students remaining in attendance in regular sessions at a California State University campus, a California community college, or any combination of these institutions, may for the purposes of meeting all graduation requirements elect to meet the requirements in effect at CI either: (1) at the time the student began attendance, or (2) at the time of entrance to CI, or (3) at the time of graduation from CI.

If while enrolled the student declares or changes the major, a major option, or a minor, the student shall follow the requirements either in effect at the time of the declaration or change, or in effect at the time of graduation. Other catalog years may be approved by department petition. Students do not lose catalog rights for GE and other graduation requirements by declaring or changing their major, if they maintain continuous attendance.


Changing Basis for Grading

If either traditional letter grading or credit/no credit grading is allowed for a course, a student may change the basis of his or her grading for the course from traditional letter grading to credit/no credit grading, or vice versa, through the third week of instruction without instructor approval by filing the appropriate form. Grade basis changes are permitted when the program area for the course and the student’s major do not require a specific grading option for the course.


Class Attendance

  1. Students are expected to attend class regularly.
  2. Instructors must include their class attendance requirements in the course syllabus.
  3. If students have a valid reason to miss class (excused absence), they are responsible for informing their instructors of the absence at the earliest possible date (preferably before class if possible). Instructors may require students to provide documentation for excused absences. Excused absences include, but are not limited to:
    1. Illness or injury to the student
    2. Death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member
    3. Religious reasons (California Education Code section 89320)
    4. Jury duty or government obligation
    5. University sanctioned or approved activities (examples include: artistic performances, forensics presentations, participation in research conferences, intercollegiate athletic activities, student government, required class field trips, etc.)
  4. It is the responsibility of the student to give advance notification, contact the instructor to make arrangements to make up any academic work that may be missed, submit assignments on time, and make arrangements regarding activities, tests, quizzes, or exams that may be scheduled during the absences.
  5. If a student does not notify the instructor one week in advance of the dates of excused absences, the instructor is not required to adjust the class schedule or to allow for make-up activities, tests, or exams. However, students shall not be penalized for excused absences when circumstances make it impossible to provide advance notice (e.g. student is engaged in a University sanctioned event such as a playoff game that cannot be anticipated).
  6. Students who expect to be absent from the University for any valid reason, and who have found it difficult to inform their instructors, should notify the Division of Academic Affairs. The Division of Academic Affairs shall notify the student’s instructors of the nature and duration of the absence. It remains the responsibility of the student to arrange with instructors to make up any academic work.
  7. In circumstances where an actual assignment, some specific class work, an activity, a quiz, or an exam cannot reasonably be made up, it is the instructor’s option to assign alternative work.
  8. Instructors are not obligated to consider other absences as excused.


Class Standing

Freshmen 0 - 29 units
Sophomore 30 - 59 units
Junior 60 - 89 units
Senior 90 + units

Course Load for Undergraduate Students

An undergraduate student may enroll in 18 units without advisor approval. Students enrolling in 19 or more units are required to have a program advisor’s written approval.


Course Time Conflict

Students may not enroll in classes that conflict in time. If the faculty members involved believe a student may participate fully and attend two classes that conflict in time in the schedule, the student must obtain the signature of both instructors for these classes on the Time Conflict form, and state the reasons why this is possible.


Credit Hour

As of July 1, 2011 federal law (Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 600.2 and 600.4) requires all accredited institutions to comply with the federal definition of the credit hour. For all CSU degree programs and courses bearing academic credit, the “credit hour” is defined as “the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.”

A credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute period. In courses in which “seat time” does not apply, a credit hour may be measured by an equivalent amount of work, as demonstrated by student achievement.

Declaration of Majors

To help ensure timely completion of graduation requirements, students who have a total of 60 units completed and in progress must have declared a major before they may register for the next term. Upper division transfer students are required to declare their intended major on their application for admission.


Double-Counting of Course Requirements

A course may meet the requirements for two or more program areas (majors, minors, and other sub-programs) if the coordinators for those program areas agree; however, the units for the course are counted only once toward the total units for graduation. Double counting between a program and General Education requirements is also allowed. Only six of the 9 units of upper-division, interdisciplinary General Education courses may be double counted between a major and General Education.


Issuing Official Transcripts


University Registrar


Any student who has ever enrolled in an academic program at CSU Channel Islands may request an official transcript.


Official Transcript of Record - shall consist of a summary of the courses for which academic credit, including Continuing Education Units (CEU), is attempted by the student at CI.

Request for Official Transcript - is the authorization from the student to the University to release the above defined transcript of the student’s record.


An Official Transcript of Record is released upon request of the student. Such requests must be made in writing either by completing the Request for Official Transcript form or by writing a letter. All written requests must be signed by the student.

Transcripts will be issued after receipt of the request and any applicable processing fee. All outstanding debts and obligations to the University must be cleared prior to release of transcript. It is the student’s responsibility to notify Records and Registration when such debts and obligations have been satisfied.

Transcripts are normally issued via U.S. Mail to the recipient designated by the student. Prior arrangement must be made in order for transcripts to be picked up by the student. Pick up of transcripts by a third party must include a signed transcript request; the student’s written authorization for the release to the specific designee and a copy of the student ID. The student’s designee must show proof of identity at the time of pick up.

An official transcript is usually sent within 5 business days after the request is processed by Records and Registration, unless a hold has been indicated. If the student needs the transcripts mailed in a timeframe outside the normal business practice, the student must request in person or via regular mail and include a pre-paid envelope from a reputable carrier such as USPS, Fed Ex, and UPS with the request to expedite the mailing process.


Multiple Majors

Students may declare more than one major. If all majors completed lead to the same degree, BA or BS, they will all appear on the diploma. If the majors lead to different degrees, the policy on double degrees applies. Double counting of courses shall conform to the policy in Senate Resolution 34-01.


Priority Registration for Students with Disabilities


Disability Resource Programs (DRP), University Registrar


Students with a documented disability and registered with DRP


Priority Registration – Assignment to the first available registration appointment time period for continuing student advance registration.


To be eligible to receive priority registration, the student must be registered with the Disability Resource Programs and have a disability-related need which meets one or more of the following criteria:

  1. The student requires accommodations that are time intensive for Disability Resource Programs to implement, such as converting required texts and instructional materials into alternative formats or securing Sign Language interpreters.
  2. The student has a physical or mobility impairment that requires the need to schedule classes in accessible locations and, when possible, in close proximity to one another.
  3. The student has extraordinary class scheduling needs due to health restrictions, extensive therapy/medical treatment (such as chemotherapy, renal dialysis, etc.) or the need to administer medications at specific times.
  4. The student has a disability related circumstance that DRP deems appropriate for priority registration.

All priority registration requests are reviewed and approved by a designated DRP staff member. Eligibility for priority registration will be periodically re-evaluated and prior approval does not constitute automatic entitlement to continued eligibility.

Disability Resource Programs is not authorized to grant priority registration based on consideration of graduation time limitation, financial need, sponsorship by programs such as Worker’s Compensation, Department of Rehabilitation, Veterans benefits, private insurance, etc.

Students must be in good standing with the University in order to utilize priority registration. This means that there can be no holds on the students account such as a Financial Aid, Judicial Affairs, Housing and Residential or Academic Advising. If there is a hold, registration will be suspended until the student resolves the situation.

Priority registration does not exempt students from meeting general registration or the requirements of the University or their major (e.g. prerequisites).

First semester freshman and incoming transfer students are not eligible for priority registration due to the requirement for all incoming students to receive academic advising during Island View Orientation or Transfer Student Advising Workshops prior to registration.


Second Baccalaureate Degree

Students seeking a second or subsequent baccalaureate degree must satisfy all requirements for the degree. However, as post-baccalaureate students, they are also subject to additional requirements.

To be eligible for admission as a second baccalaureate degree candidate, students must:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  2. Have a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in their last 60 semester units (or 90 quarter units).

Degree Requirements

  • Students must satisfy all requirements for the degree, including any current General Education requirements/ graduation requirements not previously met.
  • Students must meet all applicable Title V requirements.
  • Students must satisfy the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.
  • Students must complete requirements in a discipline in which no degree has previously been granted. Courses previously applied to another degree may be used to satisfy content requirements, but cannot be used to satisfy unit requirements of the post-baccalaureate degree.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 30 units in residence, including 24 units in upper division courses, which includes 12 units in the major.
  • Students must maintain at least a 2.00 grade point average in all courses taken to remain in good academic standing.
  • Students are not eligible for University honors, but may be eligible for major program or other honors.
  • Programs must approve all course work used to satisfy major degree requirements

In addition

  • Courses taken as part of a second baccalaureate degree cannot be utilized to meet graduate degree requirements.
  • Academic Programs may enforce specific time limits on courses taken prior to the second or subsequent degree.
  • Excess course credit not used in the primary degree may be utilized in the second or subsequent degree. Specific courses may be waived and other courses substituted.


Substitution of Courses

Students who have taken a required course in their major/minor at a college or university other than CI must petition to receive major/minor credit for this course. The Course Substitution of Major or Minor Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree is available in the Records and Registration office and the Advising Center. Petitions are also available for Request for Course Substitution: General Education/Graduation Requirements and Petition for Exception to a University Policy or Deadline. A photocopy of the course syllabus or catalog course description is required for each course being petitioned. Please note: a final grade of “C” or better is required for the language and multicultural graduation requirements. Advisors in the Advising Center can assist students in completing course substitution petitions. Once completed, all petitions must be submitted to the Records and Registration office, which will then route the petition to the appropriate Faculty Major Advisor, Academic Coordinator, or Committee (GE or Curriculum) for review. A copy of the petition with the determination will be emailed to the student and the original form will be kept in the student’s file in the Records and Registration office.

Wait List Policy

Prior to the start of classes, students wishing to enroll in a closed course may choose to be added to a wait list. Wait listed students will be automatically enrolled in the course as space becomes available. At the instructor’s discretion, students may be added to the course after the start of classes.


Waiver of Course Requirement

In addition, students who believe that previous training has sufficiently prepared them in a certain area may request a waiver of a specific course requirement (subject credit only). A waiver of specific course requirements does not reduce the total number of credits required for the major or the degree nor does it reduce the residence requirement.


Withdrawal from Courses

  1. Undergraduate students may withdraw from no more than 18 semester units.
  2. Students may drop courses during the first three weeks of classes without instructor permission.
  3. After the third week of classes and before the end of the twelfth week of classes, withdrawal from courses is permissible only for serious and compelling reasons. Approval signatures from the instructor and program chairs must be obtained to withdraw during this period. The withdrawal will be noted as a “W” on the student’s permanent record.
  4. After the twelfth week of instruction, withdrawal is not permitted except in cases beyond the student’s control such as accident or serious illness where the assignment of an Incomplete is not practical. Approval signatures from the instructor, program chair and Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) must be obtained. Withdrawal in this category will typically involve total withdrawal from the University and will be noted as a “W” on the student’s permanent record. Such withdrawals will not count against the maximums provided for in 1 above.
  5. Instructor Initiated Withdrawal: Instructors may drop students within the first three weeks of classes and as early as the first day of classes for any the following reasons:
  6. Student failure to attend class without having made prior arrangements with the instructor.
  7. Student failure to complete the prerequisites for a course before enrolling.
  8. Student failure to secure properly the permission of the instructor before enrolling when such permission is required.