Mar 02, 2025
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Freedom and Justice Studies Minor - 18 units
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Lower Division Requirements - 3 units
Note: Introductory courses in identity and civil rights-based studies (ie.: religious, ethnic, women’s, gender, sexuality, and disability studies) from local colleges can be used to satisfy this requirement. Upper Division Requirements - 15 units
All students complete the following (6 units): Electives - 9 units
At least one of the following philosophy/theory-based courses: Two courses from the following, neither of which may come from the student’s major:
Issues-oriented Upper-Division Coursework: These may include interdisciplinary topics courses focusing in on areas of gender, race, ethnicity, class, environment, sexuality, religion, economics or disciplinary courses as appropriate to student emphasis. Current courses that might be used to fulfill these requirements include: AFRICAN-AMERICAN: - ART 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ENGL 432, PAMU 432) Units: 3
- HIST 351 - History of African Americans Units: 3
- HIST 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as ANTH 442) Units: 3
ASIAN-AMERICAN - PSY 344 - Psychology And Traditional Asian Thought Units: 3
- PSY 436 - Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures (Cross-listed as HIST 436) Units: 3
CHICANA/O: - ART 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as HIST 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- ENGL 334 - Narratives Of Southern California (Cross-listed as HIST 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- HIST 350 - Chicana/O History And Culture (Cross-listed as CHS 350) Units: 3
- HIST 402 - Southern California Chicana/o History and Culture (Cross-listed as CHS 402) Units: 3
- HIST 421 - History Of The Mexican Revolution, 1876-1930 Units: 3
CULTURAL THEORY: - ENGL 360 - Literary Theory Units: 3
- ENGL 338 - Science and Conscience (Cross-listed as PHYS 338) Units: 3
- HIST 413 - World Religions and Classical Philosophies Units: 3
- POLS 301 - Political Theory Units: 3
- SOC 311 - Classical Sociological Theory Units: 3
- SOC 315 - Contemporary Sociological Theory Units: 3
ENVIRONMENT: - BIOL 335 - The Biosphere Units: 3
- BIOL 433 - Ecology And The Environment Units: 4
- ESRM 329 - Environmental Law and Policy Units: 3
- ESRM 340 - Politics and the Environment (Cross-listed as POLS 340) Units: 3
- ESRM 342 - Environmental History (Cross-listed as HIST 342) Units: 3
- ESRM 440 - Population Studies (Cross-listed as SOC 440) Units: 3
- ESRM 483 - Issues in Global Resource Management Units: 3
MULTICULTURAL ISSUES: - ART 332 - Multicultural Art Movements Units: 3
- ART 336 - Art and Music: Dissonance, Diversity and Continuity (Cross-listed as PAMU 336) Units: 3
- ENGL 333 - Multicultural Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 333) Units: 3
- GLST 435 - Global Cities Units: 3
- HIST 415 - Society and Radicalism Units: 3
- POLS 306 - The Politics of Race and Ethnicity Units: 3
- POLS 334 - Peace Studies Units: 3
- POLS 402 - Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Units: 3
- SOC 360 - Race & Ethnicity Units: 3
- SOC 410 - Sociology of Gender Units: 3
NATIVE AMERICAN: - ENGL 378 - Contemporary Native American Authors: Telecourse Units: 3
- ANTH 323 - Native Californians Units: 3
SOCIAL CLASS: - ENGL 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as ECON 340, BUS 340) Units: 3
- ENGL 331 - Narratives Of The Working Class (Cross-listed as SOC 331, ECON 331) Units: 3
- SOC 300 - Social Stratification Units: 3
WOMEN/GENDER/SEXUALITY: - HIST 414 - Women and Gender in History Units: 3
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as GEND 433) Units: 3
- POLS 305 - Gender and Politics Units: 3
- SOC 309 - Topics in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Units: 1
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