Dec 03, 2024
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education Courses
Courses in the following list meet the upper division general education requirement and may also be counted toward the designated General Education category. If a course is designated in more than one GE category the student must choose which GE category the course is fulfilling. These courses fall between the numbers of 330-349 and 430-449.
- ANTH 332 - Human Ecology (Cross-listed as ESRM 332) Units: 3
- ANTH 345 - Human Evolution and Diversity Units: 3
- ANTH 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as HIST 442) Units: 3
- ANTH 443 - Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Health and Healing Units: 3
- ANTH 444 - Values and Valuables (Cross-listed as ECON 444) Units: 3
- ANTH 445 - The Seacoast Through Time Units: 3
- ANTH 446 - Altered States of Consciousness Units: 3
- ART 330 - Critical Thinking in a Visual World Units: 3
- ART 331 - Art, Society, and Mass Media (Cross-listed as COMM 331) Units: 3
- ART 332 - Multicultural Art Movements Units: 3
- ART 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as HIST 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- ART 334 - The Business of Art (Cross-listed as BUS 334) Units: 3
- ART 336 - Art and Music: Dissonance, Diversity and Continuity (Cross-listed as PAMU 336) Units: 3
- ART 337 - Art on Film and Film as Art Units: 3
- ART 338 - Psychology of Art and Artists (Cross-listed as PSY 338) Units: 3
- ART 339 - Understanding Music in Television And Cinema (Cross-listed as PAMU 339) Units: 3
- ART 340 - Film of the Hispanic World (Cross-listed as SPAN 340) Units: 3
- ART 341 - Goddesses and Heroes: Art of the Ancient World Units: 3
- ART 343 - Power and Glory: Medieval Art Units: 3
- ART 344 - Global Arts of Islam Units: 3
- ART 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ENGL 432, PAMU 432) Units: 3
- ART 433 - Women, Art and Society Units: 3
- ART 434 - The Museum: Culture, Business and Education (Cross-listed as BUS 434, EDUC 434) Units: 3
- ART 435 - Postmodern Visual Culture Units: 3
- ART 436 - Modern Art Units: 3
- BIOL 332 - Cancer And Society Units: 3
- BIOL 333 - Emerging Public Health Issues Units: 3
- BIOL 335 - The Biosphere Units: 3
- BIOL 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BUS 342, ECON 342, EDUC 342) Units: 3
- BIOL 345 - Science and Public Policy (Cross-listed as POLS 345) Units: 3
- BIOL 431 - Bioinformatics Units: 4
- BIOL 432 - Principles of Epidemiology and Environmental Health Units: 3
- BIOL 433 - Ecology And The Environment Units: 4
- BIOL 434 - Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (Cross-listed as HLTH 434, PHYS 434) Units: 4
- BIOL 435 - Ethnobotany Units: 3
- BUS 330 - Behavioral Finance: The Psychology of Decision-Making (Cross-listed as PSY 330) Units: 3
- BUS 333 - Nonprofit Management (Cross-listed as POLS 333, COMM 333) Units: 3
- BUS 334 - The Business of Art (Cross-listed as ART 334) Units: 3
- BUS 335 - Business and the Performing Arts (Cross-listed as PA 335) Units: 3
- BUS 339 - Business in China: Heritage and Change (Cross-listed as HIST 339) Units: 3
- BUS 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as ECON 340, ENGL 340) Units: 3
- BUS 341 - Drug Discovery and Development (Cross-listed as CHEM 341, ECON 341) Units: 3
- BUS 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BIOL 342, ECON 342, EDUC 342) Units: 3
- BUS 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as ECON 344, EDUC 344, LIB 344) Units: 3
- BUS 349 - History of Business and Economics in North America (Cross-listed as ECON 349, HIST 349) Units: 3
- BUS 434 - The Museum: Culture, Business and Education (Cross-listed as ART 434, EDUC 434) Units: 3
- BUS 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as ECON 435, EDUC 435, PAMU 435) Units: 3
- BUS 448 - Globalization & Development (Cross-listed as ECON 448, SOC 448) Units: 3
- CHEM 330 - The History of Science: Nonwestern Origins and the Western Revolution (Cross-listed as HIST 330) Units: 3
- CHEM 335 - The Chemistry of the Kitchen Units: 3
- CHEM 341 - Drug Discovery and Development (Cross-listed as ECON 341, BUS 341) Units: 3
- CHEM 343 - Forensic Science Units: 3
- CHEM 344 - Energy and Society (Cross-listed as PHYS 344) Units: 3
- CHEM 345 - Science/Fiction (Cross-listed as ENGL 345) Units: 3
- CHS 331 - Transborder Perspectives in Chicana/o Studies Units: 3
- CHS 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, HIST 333) Units: 3
- CHS 334 - Narratives of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334, HIST 334) Units: 3
- CHS 335 - Chicana Feminisms Units: 3
- CHS 342 - Reproductive Health And Justice In The Chicana/o Community (Cross-listed as HLTH 342) Units: 3
- CHS 343 - Health Issues In The Latina/O Community (Cross-listed as NRS 343, COMM 343, HLTH 343) Units: 3
- CHS 348 - Immigration Politics And Policy (Cross-listed as POLS 348) Units: 3
- CHS 349 - Chicano/as/Latino/as and Education (Cross-listed as EDUC 349) Units: 3
- CHS 430 - Interdisciplinary Research & Writing In Chicana/o Studies Units: 3
- CHS 445 - Chicano Child And Adolescent (Cross-listed as EDUC 445) Units: 4
- COMM 331 - Art, Society, and Mass Media (Cross-listed as ART 331) Units: 3
- COMM 333 - Nonprofit Management (Cross-listed as POLS 333, BUS 333) Units: 3
- COMM 335 - Politics And Film (Cross-listed as POLS 335) Units: 3
- COMM 340 - Conflict Management And Mediation Units: 3
- COMM 342 - Internet-Based Social Networks (Cross-listed as COMP 342, SOC 342) Units: 3
- COMM 343 - Health Issues In The Latina/O Community (Cross-listed as CHS 343, NRS 343, HLTH 343) Units: 3
- COMM 345 - Media Literacy and Youth Culture (Cross-listed as EDUC 345) Units: 3
- COMM 347 - Online Communication and Society (Cross-listed as COMP 347) Units: 3
- COMM 430 - Political Communication (Cross-listed as POLS 430) Units: 3
- COMM 441 - Health Communication (Cross-listed as NRS 441) Units: 3
- COMM 442 - Organizational Communication Units: 3
- COMM 443 - Environmental Communication (Cross-listed as ESRM 443) Units: 3
- COMP 337 - Survey of Computer Gaming Units: 3
- COMP 342 - Internet-Based Social Networks (Cross-listed as COMM 342, SOC 342) Units: 3
- COMP 345 - Digital Image Processing (Cross-listed as PHYS 345, MATH 345) Units: 3
- COMP 347 - Online Communication And Society (Cross-listed as COMM 347) Units: 3
- COMP 437 - Foundations of Computer Game Development Units: 3
- COMP 445 - Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (Cross-listed as PHYS 445, MATH 445) Units: 3
- COMP 447 - Societal Issues in Computing Units: 3
- COMP 449 - Human-Computer Interaction (Cross-listed as PSY 449) Units: 3
- ECON 331 - Narratives Of The Working Class (Cross-listed as ENGL 331, SOC 331) Units: 3
- ECON 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as BUS 340, ENGL 340) Units: 3
- ECON 341 - Drug Discovery and Development (Cross-listed as CHEM 341, BUS 341) Units: 3
- ECON 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BIOL 342, BUS 342, EDUC 342) Units: 3
- ECON 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as BUS 344, EDUC 344, LIB 344) Units: 3
- ECON 349 - History of Business and Economics in North America (Cross-listed as HIST 349, BUS 349) Units: 3
- ECON 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as BUS 435, EDUC 435, PAMU 435) Units: 3
- ECON 444 - Values and Valuables (Cross-listed as ANTH 444) Units: 3
- ECON 448 - Globalization & Development (Cross-listed as SOC 448, BUS 448) Units: 3
- EDUC 330 - Introduction to Secondary Schooling Units: 3
- EDUC 333 - Education and Social Inequalities (Cross-listed as SOC 333) Units: 3
- EDUC 342 - The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation (Cross-listed as BIOL 342, BUS 342, ECON 342) Units: 3
- EDUC 343 - Teaching Drama to Children (Cross-listed as PATH 343) Units: 3
- EDUC 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as BUS 344, ECON 344, LIB 344) Units: 3
- EDUC 345 - Media Literacy and Youth Culture (Cross-listed as COMM 345) Units: 3
- EDUC 349 - Chicano/as/Latino/as and Education (Cross-listed as CHS 349) Units: 3
- EDUC 431 - Education Policy and Politics (Cross-listed as POLS 431) Units: 3
- EDUC 434 - The Museum: Culture, Business and Education (Cross-listed as ART 434, BUS 434) Units: 3
- EDUC 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as BUS 435, ECON 435, PAMU 435) Units: 3
- EDUC 445 - Chicano Child And Adolescent (Cross-listed as CHS 445) Units: 4
- ENGL 330 - Interdisciplinary Writing Units: 3
- ENGL 331 - Narratives Of The Working Class (Cross-listed as SOC 331, ECON 331) Units: 3
- ENGL 333 - Multicultural Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 333) Units: 3
- ENGL 334 - Narratives Of Southern California (Cross-listed as HIST 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- ENGL 337 - Literature Of The Environment Units: 3
- ENGL 338 - Science and Conscience (Cross-listed as PHYS 338) Units: 3
- ENGL 339 - Psychology and Literature (Cross-listed as PSY 339) Units: 3
- ENGL 340 - Business and Economics in Literature (Cross-listed as ECON 340, BUS 340) Units: 3
- ENGL 341 - Modern American Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 341) Units: 3
- ENGL 342 - Modern British and European Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 342) Units: 3
- ENGL 344 - World Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 344) Units: 3
- ENGL 345 - Science/Fiction (Cross-listed as CHEM 345) Units: 3
- ENGL 346 - Dystopia And Surveillance (Cross-listed as POLS 346) Units: 3
- ENGL 349 - Perspectives on Multicultural Literature Units: 3
- ENGL 430 - Tradition And Transformation: Literature, History, And Cultural Change (Cross-listed as HIST 430) Units: 3
- ENGL 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ART 432, PAMU 432) Units: 3
- ENGL 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as GEND 433) Units: 3
- ENGL 440 - The Publishing House Units: 3
- ESRM 332 - Human Ecology (Cross-listed as ANTH 332) Units: 3
- ESRM 335 - The Beach Units: 3
- ESRM 340 - Politics and the Environment (Cross-listed as POLS 340) Units: 3
- ESRM 341 - The National Park (Cross-listed as POLS 341) Units: 3
- ESRM 342 - Environmental History (Cross-listed as HIST 342) Units: 3
- ESRM 440 - Population Studies (Cross-listed as SOC 440) Units: 3
- ESRM 443 - Environmental Communication (Cross-listed as COMM 443) Units: 3
- FJS 340 - Exploring Freedom and Justice Units: 3
- GEND 433 - Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Studies (Cross-listed as ENGL 433) Units: 3
- GLST 435 - Global Cities Units: 3
- HIST 330 - The History of Science: Nonwestern Origins and the Western Revolution (Cross-listed as CHEM 330) Units: 3
- HIST 333 - History of Southern California Chicana/o Art (Cross-listed as ART 333, CHS 333) Units: 3
- HIST 334 - Narratives Of Southern California (Cross-listed as ENGL 334, CHS 334) Units: 3
- HIST 338 - Theatre in History (Cross-listed as PATH 338) Units: 3
- HIST 339 - Business in China: Heritage and Change (Cross-listed as BUS 339) Units: 3
- HIST 340 - History and Psychology of Nazi Germany (Cross-listed as PSY 340) Units: 3
- HIST 342 - Environmental History (Cross-listed as ESRM 342) Units: 3
- HIST 343 - The Long Civil Right Movement (Cross-listed as SOC 343) Units: 3
- HIST 349 - History of Business and Economics in North America (Cross-listed as ECON 349, BUS 349) Units: 3
- HIST 430 - Tradition And Transformation: Literature, History, And Cultural Change (Cross-listed as ENGL 430) Units: 3
- HIST 436 - Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures (Cross-listed as PSY 436) Units: 3
- HIST 442 - The African Diaspora (Cross-listed as ANTH 442) Units: 3
- HLTH 331 - Nutrition And Culture (Cross-listed as NRS 331) Units: 3
- HLTH 342 - Reproductive Health And Justice In The Chicana/O Community (Cross-listed as CHS 342) Units: 3
- HLTH 343 - Health Issues In The Latina/O Community (Cross-listed as CHS 343, NRS 343, COMM 343) Units: 3
- HLTH 348 - Healthy Aging (Cross-listed as NRS 348) Units: 3
- HLTH 434 - Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (Cross-listed as BIOL 434, PHYS 434) Units: 4
- LIB 344 - The Library: Collections, Services & Instruction (Cross-listed as BUS 344, ECON 344, EDUC 344) Units: 3
- MATH 330 - Mathematics And Fine Arts Units: 3
- MATH 331 - History of Mathematics Units: 3
- MATH 345 - Digital Image Processing (Cross-listed as COMP 345, PHYS 345) Units: 3
- MATH 430 - Research Design and Data Analysis Units: 3
- MATH 437 - Mathematics For Games, Simulations, And Robotics Units: 3
- MATH 438 - Philosophy of Mathematics (Cross-listed as PHIL 438) Units: 3
- MATH 439 - Philosophy of Science (Cross-listed as PHIL 439, PHYS 439) Units: 3
- MATH 445 - Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (Cross-listed as PHYS 445, COMP 445) Units: 3
- MATH 448 - Scientific Computing Units: 3
- MKT 442 - Psychology Of Judgment & Decision Making (Cross-listed as PSY 442) Units: 3
- NRS 331 - Nutrition And Culture (Cross-listed as HLTH 331) Units: 3
- NRS 342 - Complementary And Alternative Health (Cross-listed as PSY 342) Units: 3
- NRS 343 - Health Issues In The Latina/O Community (Cross-listed as CHS 343, COMM 343, HLTH 343) Units: 3
- NRS 348 - Healthy Aging (Cross-listed as HLTH 348) Units: 3
- NRS 441 - Health Communication (Cross-listed as COMM 441) Units: 3
- PA 335 - Business and the Performing Arts (Cross-listed as BUS 335) Units: 3
- PADA 332 - Dance In History Units: 3
- PADA 343 - Teaching Dance to Children Units: 3
- PAMU 330 - Jazz in America Units: 3
- PAMU 332 - World Music Units: 3
- PAMU 333 - The Varieties of Musical Experience Units: 3
- PAMU 335 - The Physics of Music (Cross-listed as PHYS 335) Units: 3
- PAMU 336 - Art And Music: Dissonance, Diversity And Continuity (Cross-listed as ART 336) Units: 3
- PAMU 337 - Music In History Units: 3
- PAMU 339 - Understanding Music in Television And Cinema (Cross-listed as ART 339) Units: 3
- PAMU 432 - Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (Cross-listed as ENGL 432, ART 432) Units: 3
- PAMU 435 - The Music Museum (Cross-listed as BUS 435, ECON 435, EDUC 435) Units: 3
- PATH 333 - Multicultural Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as ENGL 333) Units: 3
- PATH 334 - Spanish Language Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as SPAN 334) Units: 3
- PATH 338 - Theatre in History (Cross-listed as HIST 338) Units: 3
- PATH 341 - Modern American Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as ENGL 341) Units: 3
- PATH 342 - Modern British and European Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as ENGL 342) Units: 3
- PATH 343 - Teaching Drama to Children (Cross-listed as EDUC 343) Units: 3
- PATH 344 - World Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as ENGL 344) Units: 3
- PHIL 438 - Philosophy of Mathematics (Cross-listed as MATH 438) Units: 3
- PHIL 439 - Philosophy of Science (Cross-listed as MATH 439, PHYS 439) Units: 3
- PHYS 335 - The Physics of Music (Cross-listed as PAMU 335) Units: 3
- PHYS 338 - Science and Conscience (Cross-listed as ENGL 338) Units: 3
- PHYS 344 - Energy and Society (Cross-listed as CHEM 344) Units: 3
- PHYS 345 - Digital Image Processing (Cross-listed as MATH 345, COMP 345) Units: 3
- PHYS 434 - Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (Cross-listed as BIOL 434, HLTH 434) Units: 4
- PHYS 439 - Philosophy of Science (Cross-listed as MATH 439, PHIL 439) Units: 3
- PHYS 445 - Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (Cross-listed as COMP 445, MATH 445) Units: 3
- PHYS 448 - Team Based Research Units: 3
- POLS 330 - Political Sociology (Cross-listed as SOC 330) Units: 3
- POLS 333 - Nonprofit Management (Cross-listed as BUS 333, COMM 333) Units: 3
- POLS 334 - Peace Studies Units: 3
- POLS 335 - Politics and Film (Cross-listed as COMM 335) Units: 3
- POLS 340 - Politics and the Environment (Cross-listed as ESRM 340) Units: 3
- POLS 341 - The National Park (Cross-listed as ESRM 341) Units: 3
- POLS 345 - Science and Public Policy (Cross-listed as BIOL 345) Units: 3
- POLS 346 - Dystopia And Surveillance (Cross-listed as ENGL 346) Units: 3
- POLS 348 - Immigration Politics And Policy (Cross-listed as CHS 348) Units: 3
- POLS 430 - Political Communication (Cross-listed as COMM 430) Units: 3
- POLS 431 - Education Policy and Politics (Cross-listed as EDUC 431) Units: 3
- PSY 330 - Behavioral Finance: The Psychology of Decision-making (Cross-listed as BUS 330) Units: 3
- PSY 333 - Measurement And Testing Of Groups And Individuals Units: 3
- PSY 337 - Psychological Ethics and Moral Philosophy Units: 3
- PSY 338 - Psychology of Art and Artists (Cross-listed as ART 338) Units: 3
- PSY 339 - Psychology and Literature (Cross-listed as ENGL 339) Units: 3
- PSY 340 - History and Psychology of Nazi Germany (Cross-listed as HIST 340) Units: 3
- PSY 342 - Complementary And Alternative Health (Cross-listed as NRS 342) Units: 3
- PSY 344 - Psychology And Traditional Asian Thought Units: 3
- PSY 345 - Individuals with Disabilities in Society (Cross-listed as SPED 345) Units: 3
- PSY 346 - Human Motivation Units: 3
- PSY 432 - Seminar in Leadership Units: 3
- PSY 436 - Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures (Cross-listed as HIST 436) Units: 3
- PSY 442 - Psychology Of Judgment & Decision Making (Cross-listed as MKT 442) Units: 3
- PSY 445 - Adolescent Development Units: 3
- PSY 449 - Human-Computer Interaction (Cross-listed as COMP 449) Units: 3
- SOC 330 - Political Sociology (Cross-listed as POLS 330) Units: 3
- SOC 331 - Narratives of The Working Class (Cross-listed as ENGL 331, ECON 331) Units: 3
- SOC 333 - Education and Social Inequalities (Cross-listed as EDUC 333) Units: 3
- SOC 342 - Internet-Based Social Networks (Cross-listed as COMM 342, COMP 342) Units: 3
- SOC 343 - The Long Civil Right Movement (Cross-listed as HIST 343) Units: 3
- SOC 440 - Population Studies (Cross-listed as ESRM 440) Units: 3
- SOC 448 - Globalization & Development (Cross-listed as ECON 448, BUS 448) Units: 3
- SPAN 334 - Spanish Language Drama and Theatre (Cross-listed as PATH 334) Units: 3
- SPED 345 - Individuals with Disabilities in Society (Cross-listed as PSY 345) Units: 3
- SPAN 340 - Film of the Hispanic World (Cross-listed as ART 340) Units: 3
- SPAN 430 - Her Story: Women Writers of the Spanish-Speaking World Units: 3
- UNIV 349 - Transfer Year Seminar Units: 3