Mar 13, 2025
ASTR 112 - Introduction to Observational Astronomy (Cross-listed as PHYS 112) Units: 1 Three hours lab per week Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of one of the following with a grade of C or better: ASTR 105 / PHYS 105 , ASTR 107 / PHYS 107 , ASTR 110 / BIOL 110 / PHYS 110 , or an equivalent course An introduction to the techniques and instrumentation used in visual astronomy. Topics will include: the laws of geometrical optics, optical ray tracing, elements of refracting and reflecting telescopes and associated instrumentation, navigation of the night sky, diurnal and seasonal motion, the constellations, astroimaging, and the use of astronomy software and applications. Graded: Letter Grade Same as: PHYS 112 GenEd: B3
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