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2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog 
2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog
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SP 05-31 - Temporary Faculty Evaluation

Policy File:
SP 05-31 Temporary Faculty Evaluation  

Drafted By:

Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) 2005-2006
(Membership: Dennis Muraoka and Virgil Adams -co-chairs; Amy Wallace, Antonio Jimenez , Donald Rodriguez, Merilyn Buchanan, and Kevin Volkan)

To establish policy on the evaluation of temporary faculty

Applicability: All CSUCI Temporary Faculty



  1. Philosophy
  2. Purpose
  3. Definitions
  4. General
  5. Full-time temporary faculty members
  6. Part-time temporary faculty members Hired Two Semesters
  7. Temporary faculty members Hired One Semester or Less
  8. Working Personnel Action File
  9. Evaluations
  10. Criteria for Evaluation



A. Philosophy

California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) is committed to providing high quality, student- centered instructional programs to all constituencies. Excellent faculty members, dedicated to continued intellectual and professional growth, are essential to fulfilling our commitment. All elements and standards of temporary faculty unit periodic evaluation recognize the University’s Mission, including:

  • placing students at the center of the educational experience;
  • providing undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches;
  • emphasizing experiential and service learning; and graduating students with multicultural and international perspectives.

B. Purpose

  1. This document establishes policies for the periodic evaluation of temporary faculty unit employees.
  2. The document takes into the account the need to:


Comply with Board of Trustees policies; the California Administrative Code, Title 5; California Education Code; the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA); and other applicable State and Federal laws.

Be consistent with the terms outlined in the appointment letter issued to the temporary faculty unit employee by CSUCI.

Be consistent with the mission and established teaching standards at CSUCI.

Provide temporary faculty unit employees with feedback to improve teaching and student learning.

Provide appropriate administrators with materials to make re-appointment decisions.

C. Definitions

  1. A temporary faculty is a full-time or part-time unit 3 employee appointed for one or more semesters. Full-time means an appointment or appointments totaling fifteen units in a semester. Part-time means an appointment or appointments totaling less than fifteen units in a semester.
  2. A semester or equivalent means an academic semester or a four month appointment.
  3. The evaluation period is the period of service specified in the temporary faculty’s appointment letter.
  4. The appropriate administrator is the Dean of Faculty for teaching faculty, the Dean of the Faculty for librarians, and Vice President for Student Affairs or designee for counselors.
  5. The Working Personnel Action File (WPAF) shall be defined as that file specifically generated for use in a given evaluation cycle. That file shall include all required forms and documents, all information specifically provided by the employee being evaluated, and information provided by faculty unit employees, students, academic administrators. It shall also include all faculty and administrative level evaluation recommendations from the current cycle, and all rebuttal statements and responses submitted. (Article 15.8 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement)
  6. The Personal Action File (PAF) shall be defined as “the one (1) official personnel file for employment information and information that may be relevant to personnel recommendations or personnel actions regarding a faculty unit employee.” (Article 11.1 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement)
  7. Throughout this document, the word shall indicates mandatory action; the word may indicates voluntary action.

D. General

  1. At the time of appointment, the Office of Faculty Affairs will give to each temporary faculty a copy of the Policy on Temporary Faculty Evaluation. The program chair or equivalent will be responsible for giving temporary faculty whose primary job responsibility is not teaching, or whose job involves responsibilities in addition to teaching, evaluation criteria at the time of appointment.
  2. Each semester the Office of Faculty Affairs will give to program chairs and their equivalent a list of temporary faculty who require evaluation under this policy. Normally program chairs and their equivalent will have completed required evaluations by the end of the 11th week of the semester. Four weeks before the end of each semester, the Office of Faculty Affairs will work with the program chairs and their equivalents to develop a schedule of evaluation for temporary faculty requiring evaluation under this policy who have not yet been evaluated.
  3. Evaluations must be completed and in the temporary faculty’s PAF before review of candidates for reappointment for the next academic year.
  4. All reviews for reappointment will be based only upon evidence in the temporary faculty’s PAF. All written evaluations made in reviews will be placed in the temporary faculty’s PAF.
  5. Any personnel decision with respect to any temporary faculty will be based on his/her PAF.
  6. Only tenured faculty can serve on peer review committees. Probationary faculty may provide peer input, but may not engage in deliberations or make recommendations.
  7. Temporary faculty with appointments in more than one program will be evaluated by each program in which they have an appointment.

E. Full-time temporary faculty members: Two Stage Written Review (Peer Review Committee and Dean) every second semester

  1. Every second semester or equivalent, regardless of a break in service, full-time temporary faculty will have a periodic review.
  2. There should be at least one peer evaluation of teaching from the period being reviewed and student evaluations.
  3. The review will be based only upon evidence in the temporary faculty’s WPAF.
  4. The review will have two stages:

Stage one: The first stage of review will be by a committee of tenured faculty appointed by the program chair, if tenured, or appropriate administrator. The program chair, if tenured, may be a member of the committee. A committee will have between 2 and 5 members. The committee after reviewing the WPAF and each member signing the file after reviewing it, will provide a written evaluation with reasons for the evaluation, including evidence on which the evaluation is based, of the temporary faculty being reviewed. A copy of the written evaluation will be given to the temporary faculty being evaluated. S/he will have seven days to respond and/or request a meeting. Optional: If the program chair is not a member of the committee, s/he, if tenured, may write a separate evaluation. A copy of the written evaluation will be given to the temporary faculty being evaluated. S/he will have seven days to respond and/or request a meeting.

Stage two:
The appropriate administrator, after reviewing and signing the WPAF, will provide a written evaluation with reasons for the evaluation, including evidence on which the evaluation is based of the temporary faculty being reviewed. A copy of the written evaluation will be given to the temporary faculty being evaluated. S/he will have seven days to respond and/or request a meeting.

  1. A copy of the evaluations will be put in the temporary faculty’s PAF.


F. Part-time Temporary faculty members: One Stage Review every second semester plus an opportunity for peer input from the program or equivalent unit

  1. Every second semester or equivalent, regardless of a break in service, part-time temporary faculty will have a periodic review. The review will be based only upon evidence in the temporary faculty’s WPAF.
  2. There should be at least one peer evaluation of teaching from the period being reviewed and student evaluations of teaching for all classes taught.
  3. Before beginning the review, the program chair, if tenured, or his or her designee will send out an announcement to tenure-track faculty in the program or equivalent unit that there will be a periodic review of the temporary faculty and that the faculty may provide input. The chair or equivalent, after reviewing and signing the WPAF, will provide a written evaluation with reasons for the evaluation, including evidence on which the evaluation is based of the temporary faculty being reviewed. A copy of the written evaluation will be given to the temporary faculty being evaluated. S/he will have seven days to respond and/or request a meeting.
  4. A copy of the evaluations will be put in the temporary faculty’s PAF.
  5. Discretionary second stage: The appropriate administrator may at his or her discretion also provide a written evaluation with reasons for the evaluation.


G. One Semester or Less

1. Temporary faculty appointed for one semester or less shall be evaluated at the discretion of the program chair or equivalent, or at the discretion of the appropriate administrator. The temporary faculty may request that an evaluation be performed. When an evaluation is performed, the evaluation process shall follow that described above for part-time temporary faculty appointed for two semesters.

H. Working Personnel Action File (WPAF):

  1. The Working Personnel Action File (WPAF) is required for all full-time temporary faculty being evaluated, and optional, at the discretion of the temporary faculty, for part-time temporary faculty being evaluated. For part-time temporary faculty who choose not to prepare a WPAF, the review will be based on the PAF.
  2. For the purposes of the review, the WPAF for teaching faculty shall include:
    • Current curriculum vitae
    • Student evaluations
    • At least one peer evaluation of teaching from the period being reviewed
    • All syllabi for courses taught during the period of review
    • Copies of previous periodic evaluations
  3. For the purposes of the review, the WPAF for temporary faculty whose primary duties are not teaching shall include material relevant to their performance of their job responsibilities.
    • Current curriculum vitae
    • At least one peer evaluation of performance from the period being reviewed
    • Copies of previous periodic evaluations
  4. For the purposes of the review, the WPAF may include:
    • Course materials (examinations, assignments, cases, etc.)
    • A self-assessment with respect to the duties of the appointment of no more than 500 words.
    • Evidence of scholarly and or creative activities and/or service relevant to the duties of the appointment.
    • Any other evidence relevant to the duties of the appointment.


I. Evaluations

  1. Evaluations must be completed and in the PAF before review of candidates for reappointment for the next academic year.
  2. Only tenured faculty can serve on peer review committees. Probationary faculty may provide peer input, but may not engage in deliberations or make recommendations.
  3. Temporary faculty with appointments in more than one program will be evaluated by each program in which they have an appointment.


J. Criteria for Evaluation


  1. The principal criterion for the evaluation of temporary faculty hired to teach courses is teaching effectiveness. Evidence of teaching effectiveness may include:
    • Student evaluations
    • Peer evaluations of teaching (See appendix A)
    • Temporary faculty’s own statement and self-evaluation
    • Currency in field and subject matter competence as measured by advanced degrees, evidence from syllabi, exams, and assignments, and other appropriate elements (which may include professional activities and service)
    • Teaching portfolios
    • Grading practices
    • Teaching awards
    • Specialized criteria appropriate to the individual field
  2. In most cases temporary faculty hired to teach do not have scholarship, creative activities or service as part of their job duties, and scholarship, creative activities or service should only be considered if they are directly tied to the temporary faculty’s currency in the field and subject matter competence with respect to the actual courses being taught.
  3. Unless a contract provision specifically requires it, seniority and length of service are not criteria for reappointment.

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