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2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog 
2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog
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SR 04-01 - Resolution on Faculty Recruitment - Faculty Recruiting Plan - Tenure/Track - 2005

Senate Resolution File:
SR 04-01 Resolution on Faculty Recruitment - Faculty Recruitment Plan Tenure/Track - 2005 

Senate Resolution
SR 04-01

Faculty Recruiting Plan- Tenure/Track - 2005

  • This Plan is proposed by the Recruiting/Hiring Committee: Bill C, Ivona, Phil, Jack, Bill W
  • All 48 current Tenure/Track faculty members and approved Consultants may participate at all steps of the recruiting/hiring process, offering inputs, comments, critiques
  • All applications must be submitted via the web-based system currently used to hire part-timers

STEP IA: Faculty Positions…………Identified by September 15, 2004

  1. Faculty members within a Program Area analyze needs and make position requests for their Program Area to their Chair
  2. Program Chairs analyze requests and make recommendations with justifications for their Program Area to the Dean
  3. All faculty members may submit position requests/justifications directly to the Dean if the position does not relate to an existing Program Area (e.g., Artic Studies, Sociology, Philosophy) and the proposed Program is on the Master Plan


………………………as of 9/24/04, ABOVE TASKS ARE COMPLETE………………..

STEP IB: Faculty Positions

  1. Dean consults with all tenure-track faculty concerning selection criteria
  2. Based on a 9/27 conversation with the Provost: the number of authorizing hiring positions is unknown at this time; therefore, the Recruiting/Hiring Committee recommends forwarding disciplinary searches in most areas with anticipated hiring yield of a maximum of 18 positions
  3. Dean analyzes all requests and makes final recommendations to the VPAA by October 5, 2004
  4. All positions will be listed on the CSUCI Web Site by Friday, October 8, 2004
  5. A “General Advertisement” will be placed in Chronicle of Higher Education: For October 22nd issue, the order deadline is Monday, October 11, 2 pm EDT………ideal would be to place advertisement by 5 pm EDT, Friday, October 8, 2004

STEP II: Discipline Search Committee (DSC)………..Formed by October 15, 2004

  1. For a search to add positions to existing Program Areas, a Discipline Search Committee (DSC) will be composed of 5 members: at least 2 faculty members from outside the discipline. If the discipline only has 1 or 2 current members, the DSC will include more than 2 members from outside the discipline. The Program Area is responsible for forming the DSC.
  2. For a search outside of an existing Program Area, a DSC will be composed of at least five members from various disciplines. Faculty members requesting the positions are responsible for forming the DSC.
  3. The DSC in consultation with Faculty Affairs staff will be responsible for the following:
  • Develop a timeline for the entire search process, including advertising
  • Develop advertising copy and recommend media placements
  • Review the candidates’ applications submitted via the web-based system
  • Conduct screening interviews
  • Recommend candidates for campus visits (VPAA issues formal invitation)
  • Conduct and coordinate campus visits/interviews

STEP III: Selection Process……………..Varies by DSC………Jan-May 2005

  1. A Search Coordinating Committee (SCC) - composed of faculty members who volunteer - and Faculty Affairs staff will support and coordinate the work of the DSCs
  2. Recruiting/Hiring Committee recommends using Mondays and Fridays for campus visits.
  3.  Recruiting/Hiring Committee recommends hiring across disciplines with all tenure-track faculty being involved in the hiring process. Candidates will be brought to campus in a minimum of three groups on different days with candidates for the same position being interviewed as much as possible on different days.
  4. All candidates shall participate in an “Inter-Disciplinary Group Exercise” with candidates across disciplines. Special logistical arrangements may be needed to accommodate some candidates.
  5. All campus visits shall include a teaching demonstration (preferably with students’ participation and evaluation); and other presentations (e.g., proposed research agenda) as required by the DSC
  6. The SCC will be responsible for the following:
    1. With input from each DSC, create a master calendar to coordinate all recruiting activities
    2. Work closely with Faculty Affairs to support the logistics surrounding each DSC; Faculty Affairs will check references
    3. Serve as a conduit for information flow among the DSCs

STEP IV: Hiring

  1. DSC will solicit written comments from all university colleagues (faculty, administrators, staff) concerning all candidates
  2. Based on input from colleagues, the DSC makes hiring recommendations to the Dean including rank, tenure and start-up funds (if appropriate to the discipline). The DCS will consult with all disciplinary faculty members in making their recommendations.
  3. The Dean submits recommendations to the VPAA and the President
  4. Based on his decision, the President or designee makes offers and negotiates terms of employment including, if appropriate, start-up funds.

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