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2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog 
2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog
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SR 03-03 - Senate Resolution on Academic Structure (Formerly “SR 02-03”)

Approve Date: March 11, 2003
Senate Resolution File:
SR 03-03 Senate Resolution on Academic Structure (Formerly “SR 02-03”)  

Senate Resolution


Whereas, the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2004 (2004 Statewide School Bond) provides $12.3 billion in bonds to relieve overcrowding, reduce class size and repair and upgrade California’s elementary, middle and high schools, community colleges and universities; and

Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond measure is the second f      of a two-part statewide education bond package to repair, upgrade and build new school facilities, and the first half of the package (Proposition 47) was approved by California’s voters in 2002, and passage of the second half of the package is equally as important to continue the work we’ve started; and

Whereas, within 6 weeks of voter approval of Prop. 47 more than 300 school districts had their school construction and repair projects funded, and the remainder of the 2002 bond funds will soon be exhausted as new classrooms arc built and old schools arc repaired; and

Whereas, California has the second most overcrowded classrooms in the country; 22% of all K-12 public school students arc on year-round class schedules because there isn’t enough space in overcrowded school districts; and one-third of all K-12 classrooms in the state are portable trailers; and

Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond provides matching funds to school districts that have already or will soon pass local school construction bond measures; and

Whereas, more than 710,000 new students are expected to seek enrollment at a California college or university by 2010; and

Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond provides a much needed boost to our state’s economy and putting Californians back to work building a better learning environment for our children is a wise investment in these difficult economic times; and

Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond funds must be spent on school construction, not on overhead, and projects must comply with strict accountability requirements, including mandatory audits, to safeguard against waste and mismanagement.

Therefore be it resolved, that the Academic Senate of California State University Channel Islands supports the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2004.

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