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2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog 
2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog
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SP 07-19 - Student Ratings Form

Policy File:
SP 07-19 Student Ratings Form  

Purpose: To ensure that we have an instrument for SRT to satisfy SP07-12

Intent: To approve the SRT instrument so that procedures for its administration can be developed. The instrument will be piloted in selected classes in Fall 2008. In Spring 2009 the Senate should have enough information to make an informed decision whether it wishes to adopt the SRT instrument for official personnel use.

Background: Much interest has been shown and much work has been done in efforts to identify a new student ratings of teaching form for use at CSUCI. Per SP 07-12 a new SRT instrument needs to be approved, and procedures for its administration and data reporting need to be developed by the Faculty Affairs Committee and approved by the Senate. This policy would allow for procedures for piloting purposes of an approved instrument be developed, as well as pilot data using the instrument be collected.

Applicability: All faculty at CSU Channel Islands

To approve the student ratings of teaching instrument for piloting purposes. This instrument will not be used in the official evaluation of faculty.

Student Feedback on Course Learning Experiences

Leave name, ID, and all personal identification information blank on the Parscore® Form. Please use the following scale for rating each item.

Blacken the A bubble -Strongly Agree
Blacken the B bubble-Agree
Blacken the C bubble-Disagree
Blacken the D bubble-Strongly Disagree
Blacken the E bubble-Not Rated/Not Applicable

1. I understood the learning outcomes expected from this course. 2. To me, the course content seemed well organized.
3. To me, class sessions seemed well organized.

4. The time I spent in class sessions furthered my understanding of the course material.
5. Examples and illustrations provided in this course aided my understanding.
6. The course provided some general concepts that helped me see connections among specific topics.

7. The course was a valuable learning experience for me.
8. The assignments in this course aided my learning.
9. I was able to effectively use instructor feedback to increase my learning.
10. I learned ways of reasoning that I could apply to other disciplines.

11. My learning experience increased my appreciation for the subject covered.
12. I gained awareness of the relevance and importance of the course material.
13. The course made a relevant contribution to my overall education.

14. I felt I was evaluated fairly in this class.
15. I felt I was treated with respect in this class
16. The class atmosphere supported my learning.
17. I felt encouraged to contribute civil dialogue to this class.

Rate the following three items only if you have first-hand experience from making contact for help.
18. When I sought outside help from the instructor (such as by phone, e-mail or office visit), I received it.
19. I felt welcome to seek help and advice from the instructor.
20. The help I received from the instructor was useful to my learning.

Open-Ended Items - Please Respond on back of ParSCORE® form

21-23. Knowing what you know now about the course, if it were possible to turn back time and you could experience this course again…

21. What changes would you make in your own approach in order to improve your learning?

22. What aspects of the course would you advise your instructor to retain?

23. What suggestions would you provide to your instructor for revisions that would produce a better learning experience for you?

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