Oct 22, 2024  
2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog 
2002-2024 Senate Policy Catalog
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SP 11-08 - Center for Integrative Studies (supersedes SP 04-07)

Policy File:
SP 11-08 Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies  

Planning Committee Members Bill Adams, Simone Alosio, Harley Baker, Julia Balen, Bob Bleicher, Renny Christopher, Cathy Claiborne, Irina Costache, Maria Denn,y Amy Denton, Jeanne Grier, Phil Hampton, Nian Huan,g Joan Karp, Jacque Kilpatrick, Steve Lefevre, Don Rodriguez, Bill Wolfe


Pursuant to the interdisciplinary focus of the University, the Committee for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies presents a Strategic Plan with five identified goals in order to meet the mission of graduating students with cross-disciplinary, integrative and interdisciplinary perspectives.  The goals are to: (1) create the infrastructure for interdisciplinary learning; (2) design and implement programs and curricula that promote integrative and interdisciplinary understanding in all fields of study; (3) assist faculty in developing the integrative and interdisciplinary dimensions of their teaching, scholarship, and service activities; (4) facilitate and develop academic and scholarly exchanges and partnerships for students and faculty; (5) and coordinate activities that enhance campus awareness of integrative and interdisciplinary studies and their importance to the life of the campus and local community.  

The Committee for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies recommends the formation of the Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies [renamed Center for Integrative Studies in 2007].  


Placing students at the center of the educational experience, California State University Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives. 


The mission of the Center for Integrative Studies is to serve as an organized source of information and support for integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to the creation, discovery, transmission and application of knowledge. 


The primary mission of the Center for Integrative Studies is to promote integrative and interdisciplinary learning within the California State University Channel Islands educational experience.  Thus, the Center supports the University Mission to provide “undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches.”

The Center for Integrative Studies promotes and supports efforts to integrate an interdisciplinary curriculum, support faculty collaboration, and foster links between disciplines, divisions, and between institutions.  


The goals of the Center for Integrative Studies are to:

1. create the infrastructure for integrative and interdisciplinary teaching and learning;
2. design and implement programs and curricula that promote integrative and interdisciplinary understanding for students in all fields of study;  
3. assist faculty in developing the integrative and interdisciplinary dimensions of their teaching, scholarship, and service activities;
4. facilitate and develop academic and scholarly exchanges and partnerships for students and faculty;
5. and coordinate activities that enhance campus awareness of interdisciplinary and integrative studies and their importance to the life of the campus and local community. 

Goal #1: Create the Infrastructure for a Center for Integrative Studies 

Goal #1  Subgoals and Actions:

1.1. Create and support the development of a Center for Integrative Studies with clearly defined authority that can coordinate activities across the curriculum and the university.

1.2. Appoint a director of the Center for Integrative Studies with  tenure-track faculty ranking. The director will be appointed by the Provost based on recommendation by the advisory group defined in Item 1.4, below.

1.3. Create a Center for Integrative Studies staffing plan that will support new positions for programs and services (including recruitment; alumni services; resource development; grant writing; training and development contract administration; liaison with programs, centers and institutes; faculty/curriculum/program development).

1.4. Create an advisory group for the Center consisting of faculty, administrators, students, and community representatives.  This will be a University Committee which in its membership will seek to build a liaison with faculty development, faculty affairs, curriculum, general education, and other groups, as well as the outside community.

1.5. Procure internal and external funding in order to fully develop and implement the Center for Integrative Studies, its strategic plan and activities.  This effort will involve advocacy for base budget support within the University, extramural funding, and collaboration with Extended Education in self support programs. 

Goal #2 Design and Implement Programs and Curricula that Promote Integrative and Interdisciplinary Understanding in All Fields of Study  

Goal #2  Subgoals and Actions:

2.1 Work with programs and individual faculty members to adapt existing integrative/interdisciplinary courses or design new courses or programs that complement current on-campus academic programs.

2.2 Develop financial resources, including scholarships, to support widespread student participation in integrative and interdisciplinary academic experiences.  

2.3 Develop criteria for integrative and interdisciplinary courses, including learning outcomes and their assessment, for review and approval by the General Education and/or Curriculum Committees as appropriate..  

2.4 Provide extended technological support and training to encourage wide-spread access and use of integrative/interdisciplinary teaching and research, including video conferencing.

2.5 Develop and acquire new materials (multimedia, print, journals, audio, video, electronic databases, etc.).

2.6 Work closely with other Centers and programs at CSUCI. 

Goal #3 Assist Faculty in Developing the Integrative and Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Teaching, Scholarship, and Service Activities

Goal #3 Subgoals and Actions:

3.1 Advise programs on appointment, promotion, and tenure criteria that promote and reward integrative and interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service.

3.2 Provide integrative/interdisciplinary guidance in future faculty recruitment processes.  

3.3 Provide faculty activities that enhance integrative and interdisciplinary teaching, service, and scholarly activities.  

3.4 Develop policies and procedures to guide the development of integrative and interdisciplinary research.

3.5 Sponsor symposia on topics pertaining to integrative and interdisciplinary  research and methodologies. 

3.6 Advise on issues of intellectual property rights and research ethics in an interdisciplinary context.

3.7 Develop and disseminate a faculty disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise  guide. Make accessible as a web-based link on the CSUCI University website  with listings of the guide above mentioned. 

Goal #4 Facilitate and Develop Academic and Scholarly Integrative and Interdisciplinary Exchanges and Partnerships for Students and Faculty

Goal #4 Subgoals and Actions:

4.1 Expand the range of options for integrative and interdisciplinary study.

4.2 Provide support for visiting scholars, including administrative support, office space, equipment, housing, and stipends

4.3 Provide guidelines and guidance for faculty who wish to develop integrative and interdisciplinary courses or programs for students.  

4.4 Identify opportunities for collaboration in furthering economic, social, and cultural interests through integrative and interdisciplinary activities.  

4.5 Develop contacts with CSU Channel Islands alumni and other friends of the university who have expertise and networks that could assist in amplifying the integrative and interdisciplinary nature of the university.  

4.6 Develop continuing education programs of an integrative and interdisciplinary nature, including options for faculty, alumni and community, through executive training, outreach to public schools, etc.

4.7 Develop interdisciplinary scholarship funds and symposia with local donors and corporate sponsors. 

Goal #5  Coordinate All Activities that Augment Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies on the Campus and in the Local Community

Goal #5 Subgoals and Actions:

5.1  The CSU Channel Islands community is intended to be integrative and interdisciplinary in nature. When the President, Provost, Deans and Chairs  review the University Strategic Plan, University publications and website, capital campaign activities, etc. for a consistent integrative and interdisciplinary dimension and message, the Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies will assist in these efforts.

5.2 Collect and disseminate relevant information about the university’s integrative and interdisciplinary activities and programs.









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