Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grades, Honors and Awards

Course Grade Appeals

  1. Each student has the right to appeal the final course grade, but only the final course grade. For example, a student may not appeal grades on individual assignments and/or examinations.
  2. Appeals are limited to situations in which the student believes the grade was “prejudicially”, “capriciously”, or “arbitrarily” assigned. While grades for individual assignments cannot be appealed, students who believe that the grading of individual exams and/or assignments demonstrates prejudicial, arbitrary, or capricious grading and that those grades had a direct bearing on the final grade should include them in the grade appeal file as supporting documentation.
  3. The appeal must be initiated within the first seven weeks of the first regular semester after assignment of the grade* (see item 6 below). A student who believes that a course grade has been assigned inappropriately must follow the proper steps in the appeal process, observing the time limits for completion of the steps as follows:

    Step 1: The grade appeal must first be directed to the instructor of the course, in writing, by the end of the seventh week of the semester and copied to the Chair. If the grade is not correct, the instructor can change the grade with a change of grade form. The instructor has two weeks to respond to the student’s request in writing and copied to the Chair.

    Step 2: If the instructor believes the grade is correct and the student is not satisfied with the instructor’s explanation, and intends to appeal the grade, the student must make an appointment to speak with the program chair. If the instructor is not available or does not respond to the student’s appeal within the given time frame, the program chair may act on behalf of the instructor. If the program chair is the instructor, the student should speak with the Vice President of Academic Affairs (or designee). The program chair or Vice President of Academic Affairs (or designee) cannot change the grade, but will then discuss the issue with the instructor and provide a written response by the end of the ninth week of the semester to the student.

    Step 3: If the student is not satisfied after receiving the response from the appropriate administrator, the student should submit a written appeal by the end of the eleventh week of the semester to the University Appeals Committee through the office of Academic Affairs.

    Step 4: The University Appeals Committee will forward the student’s statement to the instructor. The instructor will be required to respond in writing by a specified date within the semester, and the student will be given a copy of the instructor’s written response by the end of the semester. The student’s statement and the instructor’s response will be reviewed by the entire committee, after which the committee can:

    a. Request more information from the student and/or the instructor

    b. Decide to change or maintain the grade

    Step 5: When the committee has made its decision, it will notify the student and instructor in writing.
  4. The University Appeals Committee shall consist of faculty and at least one student.
  5. Individuals may not participate as a member of the University Appeals Committee in review of an appeal if they are a participant in the appeal. The decision of the University Appeals Committee is final.
  6. If a student is a candidate for graduation, the Registrar’s office must be notified in writing of the intent to appeal the grade within 30 days of the last day of the semester. The final degree evaluation will not be performed and the degree will not be granted until the grade appeal process has been completed.
  7. No grades can be appealed or changed for any reason after a degree has been granted.


Course Repeats

The Course Repeat Policy may be used only by undergraduate students.  It may not be used by graduate/post-baccalaureate students working on master’s degrees, graduate certificates, or teaching credentials, or by unclassified post-baccalaureate students, even when they might take undergraduate courses.  This policy is applied only to courses taken at CSU Channel Islands and repeated at CSU Channel Islands.  Students may repeat courses only if they earned grades lower than a “C,” e.g. grades of “WU,” “F,” “D-,” “D,” “D+,” “C-,” “NC,” or “IC.”

  • Undergraduate students may repeat up to a total of sixteen (16) semester units taken at CSU Channel Islands for forgiveness. 
  • Undergraduate students may repeat an individual course for grade forgiveness only once.
  • If the second grade is equal to or higher than the first, then it replaces the first grade.  If the second grade is lesser than the first, the original grade will remain in the grade point average.  In either case the course repetition limit will have been met, and the units will apply towards the total unit limit for forgiveness. 
  • Grade forgiveness shall not be applicable to courses for which the original grade was the result of a finding of academic dishonesty. 
  • Beyond the 16 semester units that can be repeated for grade forgiveness, students may repeat an additional 12 semester units for grade averaging.  In such instances the repeat grade shall not replace the original grade; instead both grades shall be calculated into the student’s overall grade point average.   



1. The “ABCDF” is the default grading system. Although it is not required, individual faculty members may add a “+” or “-” to any grade except “F”. By adding a “+” to a grade, the grade points earned shall increase by 0.3 (except that an A+ shall still be 4.0 grade points). By adding a “-” to a grade, the grade points earned shall decrease by 0.3. Course syllabi are required to state clearly whether “+/-” grading is used. The standard grade points per letter grade are as follows:

  • The grade of “A” is equivalent to 4.0 points of a four-point scale
  • The grade of “B” is equivalent to 3.0 points of a four-point scale
  • The grade of “C” is equivalent to 2.0 points of a four-point scale.
  • The grade of “D” is equivalent to 1.0 point of a four-point scale.
  • The grade of “F” is equivalent to 0 (zero) points of a four-point scale.

2. A student may take a course “CR/NC” if the course is designated as allowing “CR/NC” grading in the course approval process.
3. Not more than 12 units of general education courses may be taken “CR/NC”.
4. The decision on how many units of courses taken “CR/NC” and which courses can be taken “CR/NC” is left up to each individual program.
5. Course syllabi shall include a discussion of the instructor’s grading policy.
6. The level of student performance and course grades are determined by the instructor of record.


Grading Symbols Assigned, Other

RP (Report in Progress) The “RP” symbol is used in connection with courses that extend beyond one academic term. It indicates that work is in progress, but that the assignment of a final grade must await completion of additional work. Work is to be completed within one year except for graduate degree theses.

W (Withdrawal) The “W” symbol indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from the course after the third week of the semester with the approval of the instructor and appropriate campus officials. It carries no connotation of quality of student performance and is not used in calculating grade point average. See withdrawal procedures in the Catalog.

WU (Withdrawal Unauthorized) The “WU” symbol indicates that an enrolled student did not formally withdraw from the course according to University policy and also failed to complete course requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. For purposes of grade point average, this symbol is equivalent to an “F.”

Incomplete Grade Policy

An “Incomplete Authorized” (I) signifies that a portion of required course work has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified reasons and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. After the request of the student for the “I” grade, the faculty member makes the decision as to whether or not an “I” grade is issued. If an “I” grade is issued, the faculty member determines what conditions must be met for the “I” to be removed. However, to protect both students and faculty, it is necessary that there be a written record of the conditions. Thus, if there is a later disagreement, or if the instructor is no longer available, the “I” can still be handled by the program. The Request for an Incomplete form which is to be used for writing the conditions mentioned above is available in the program administrative support offices. This form shall include a statement of:

  1. The work not completed and the percentage that each uncompleted assignment will count toward the final grade;
  2. The final grade the instructor will assign if the course requirements are not completed within one calendar year, or a shorter period as specified on the form, immediately following the term in which the “I” was assigned, without respect to continuous enrollment of the student during this period.

A copy of the agreement is to be given to the student and a copy is to be retained in the program office. The completed forms are filed in the program office. The awarding of an “I” requires prior consultation with the student. The student has the responsibility to confer with the faculty member to learn the requirements for removal of the “I”. At that time the student is given a copy of the form detailing the conditions to be met. An “I” must be made up within the time period set forth by the instructor with a maximum allowable time span of one calendar year immediately following the end of the term in which it was assigned. This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment. Failure to complete the assigned work will result in an “I” being converted to an “IC” symbol, unless the faculty member assigns a specific letter grade at the time the Incomplete is assigned, which would replace the “I” in the student’s record at the end of the calendar year deadline. The “IC” is counted as a failing grade equivalent to an “F” for grade point average and progress point computation. Although the one-year maximum for incomplete grades will be the general university policy, Executive Order 171 specifies that exceptions can be made in special cases, such as military service and serious health problems. An extension of an “I” grade in any one course shall be allowed only one time, for a maximum total extension of one year. An “I” may not be changed to a passing grade as the result of re-enrolling in the course. In cases where repetition of the course is appropriate, the student will be assigned a withdrawal or failing grade rather than an “I” grade. A failing grade is not an acceptable reason to request or grant an incomplete grade. If a student subsequently completes a course that is recorded as incomplete on a transcript from another institution, it is the student’s responsibility to submit a corrected official transcript and advise the Admissions and Recruitment office that he/she wishes to receive credit.


Mission-Based Awards

All graduating CI students are eligible to apply for one or more of these awards during the year of their graduation. These awards are based on the CI mission statement and honor those students who exemplify the values of CI as stated in the mission statement.

Each of the following awards will be granted to one graduate per year, and no student shall be awarded more than one of these awards. The selection committee may also elect to not give an award for a given year.

Students applying for these awards are expected to state how they have exemplified the educational outcomes and approaches outlined in the mission, either through exceptional curricular activity, and/or through extra-curricular activity while a student at CI.

Each year a selection committee will be appointed by the Provost. In consultation with the faculty, all mission-based centers, and others in the campus community, the committee will make and distribute applications stating specific criteria for each award, review the applicants’ submissions, and select recipients of these awards in accordance with the guidelines.

Outstanding Integrative Approaches Award

Granted to a student who exemplifies an education marked by integrative approaches from more than one discipline.

Outstanding Experiential and Service Learning Award

Granted to a student who exemplifies an education marked by experiential and service learning.

Outstanding Multicultural Perspectives Award

Granted to a student who demonstrates a widening of multicultural perspectives.

Outstanding International Perspectives Award

Granted to a student who demonstrates a widening of international perspectives.


Program Honors

Program honors will be awarded [to student graduating from CI] based on criteria developed by individual programs.


Semester Honors

CI undergraduate students completing 12 or more units with a letter grade in a single semester or completing 12 or more units with a letter grade in one academic year assessed at the end of the spring semester, shall be named to the Semester Honors list if they earn a 3.75 or higher grade point average.


University Honors

To receive honors at graduation at CSU Channel Islands, undergraduate students must:

  1. Complete a minimum 30 units of courses taken at CI for a letter grade.;
  2. Earn a grade point average of 3.50 or above in all work taken at CI.
  3. Earn the following cumulative grade point average in all undergraduate courses, including transfer work:
    • Summa Cum Laude
      This honor is awarded to all students who earn a grade point average of 3.90 - 4.0.
    • Magna Cum Laude
      This honor is awarded to all students who earn a grade point average of 3.75 - 3.89
    • Cum Laude
      This honor is awarded to all students who earn a grade point average of 3.50 - 3.74.