Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Cost of Attendance Policy 

Award Year 2022-2023


The Cost of Attendance (COA) is determined by law (Higher Education Act, Sec. 472) and is not subject to regulation by the Department of Education. The law specifies the types of costs that are included in the cost of attendance, but the Financial Aid & Scholarships office must determine the appropriate and reasonable amounts to include for each eligible COA category for students at the university.



  • Source: Student Financial Aid Handbook
  • Current reference: Award Year: 2018-2019
  • Volume: Volume 3 - Calculating Awards & Packaging
  • Chapter 2: Cost of Attendance (Budget)
  • Policy No: Higher Education Act, Sec. 472




Financial Aid & Scholarship office



Cost of Attendance budgets are designed to provide students with an accurate projection of reasonable costs and to enable the Financial Aid & Scholarships office to formulate an appropriate aid package. For awarding purposes, all students at CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) are assigned a COA, at the time the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act application is received, based on the housing preference reported on the respective FAFSA or CADAA.  



The COA as defined in statute must be used in determining a student’s eligibility for all Title IV financial aid program funds, including the Federal Pell Grant Program, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG) Program, federal campus-based programs [Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study (FWS) and Federal Perkins Loans programs], the Federal Direct Student Loan Program (Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan and Direct PLUS programs) and the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program. 

California State Aid programs also use the university COA to determine eligibility for need-based state aid.

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), defines the COA components for all Title IV programs. These components include direct and indirect expenses.


COA Budget Components

Annually The California State University Chancellor’s Office (CO) provides recommended standard student budget ranges for California State Universities. These ranges are calculated using the 2006-07 Student Expenses and Resources Survey (SEARS), adjusted for 13 years of inflation or deflation. Additional adjustments have been made based on data from the 2018 SEARS pilot.


CSUCI budget components are based on a nine-month academic year reflected in the standard maximum budget ranges provided annually by the CO. COA will be increased accordingly for students enrolled in the summer semester. Actual individual costs may vary based on personal circumstances.


A. Tuition & Mandatory Fees and other university fees (direct cost)*

Tuition & Mandatory Fees are estimated based on the assumption of full-time enrollment (at least 12 credit hours) for each term in the aid period. Annually, the CO sets the tuition rates for all California State Universities.


Mandatory Fees include:

Associated Student Fee

Health Services Fee

Instructionally Related Activities Fee

Materials, Services and Facilities Fee

Recreation & Athletic Fee

Student Body Center Fee

Student Health Services Fee


Tuition & Mandatory Fees and other university fees are subject to change without prior notification.


B. Books & Supplies (estimated/indirect cost)

Books & Supplies are estimated based on CSU Budget Ranges. It includes an allowance for books, educational supplies, course material fees and computer-related expenses, excluding the costs associated with the purchase of a personal computer.


C. Room  & Board (direct/estimated indirect cost)

Three COA budgets are defined each year and assigned based on the FAFSA or CADAA housing preference indicator:


  1. Living With Parent - based on SEARS data, the food and housing allowance is combined.
  2. Living On-Campus - Based on an average of all campus-housing costs and the highest meal plan.
  3. Living Off-Campus - Based on SEARS data, includes separate allowances for food and housing.


D. Transportation (estimated indirect cost)

Represents allowance for student’s transportation to and from classes and work (bus fare, gasoline, tolls, parking, etc.). Does not include vehicle payments, insurance, repairs or license fees.


E. Miscellaneous/Personal Expenses (estimated indirect cost)

The amount for “miscellaneous/personal” expenses is a fixed amount for all CSU campuses.


F. Direct Loan Fees for students receiving loans (estimated average)

Direct loan fees are derived from the prior year average loan fees.


Annual COA budgets are updated on the CSUCI Financial Aid & Scholarships website: https://www.csuci.edu/financialaid/Cost_of_Attendance.htm

Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


Policy on Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) CSU Channel Islands
Award Year 2019-2020


The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that students receiving federal student aid maintain a level of academic advancement which would enable them to complete their educational goals within a given period. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards must be established by each school and those standards must be applied to students receiving federal student aid.



34 CFR668.34 (a) (4) (5)

Federal regulations outline SAP as a set of qualitative and quantitative standards established by a school requiring its students to maintain an academic standing consistent with the school’s policy on progress toward graduation requirements. Students must meet both standards to remain eligible for Title IV aid.


Accountability: Financial Aid & Scholarships office

This policy meets the requirement for strictness as it matches the institutional policy for a student enrolled in the same educational program who is not receiving Title IV assistance.

Applicability: All enrolled students at CSU Channel Islands receiving federal and state financial aid assistance must meet the minimum SAP standards outlined below.



The policy is organized in the following sections that illustrate the standards required to maintain good academic standing and SAP to retain Title IV and State Aid funding. The Financial Aid & Scholarships office evaluates SAP at the end of each payment period after grades are posted by the Records & Registration office.


I. Definitions 

II. Quantitative Component (unit-based)

  1. Pace: Percent of units completed
  2. Maximum Unit Limit
  3. Repeated Coursework
  4. Transfer Credit
  5. Change of Major: Effect on unit load

II. Qualitative Component (grade-based)

  1. Grade Point Average
  2. Academic Disqualification
  3. Remedial Coursework
  4. Transfer Credit

IV. Evaluation of Academic Progress Over Time (time-based)

  1. Maximum Time Limit


  1. Financial Aid Warning Period
  2. Financial Aid Suspension and Appeal Process
  3. Financial Aid Probation
  4. Financial Aid Termination
  5. Reinstatement Following SAP Appeal
  6. Reinstatement of Eligibility Without SAP Appeal

I. Definitions

  • Cumulative Grade Point Average: A minimum qualitative (overall grade point average) standard a student must meet to remain in good academic and SAP standing (includes grades for transfer credit).  


  • Pace: A quantitative measure by which the university measures the rate of completion by program of study to ensure graduation within the maximum timeframe. Pace is calculated by dividing the total number of credits completed by the total number of credits attempted (includes transfer credit as attempted and completed).


  • Maximum Timeframe: For an undergraduate program measured in credit hours, a period no longer than 150 percent of the published length of the program. For a graduate program, no longer than 125 percent of the published length of the program.


  • Financial Aid Warning 1: A status assigned to a student who failed to meet SAP standards. The school reinstates eligibility for aid for one payment period and may do so without a student appeal. This status may only be used by schools that check SAP at the end of each payment period and only for students who were meeting SAP in the prior payment period they were enrolled in or who were in the first payment period of their program.


  • Financial Aid Suspension: A status assigned to a student who failed to meet SAP standards following a period of enrollment on Financial Aid Warning.  A student has the option to appeal this status.


  • Appeal: A process by which a student, who is not meeting SAP standards and has been assigned a Financial Aid Suspension status, may petition the school for reconsideration of their eligibility to receive financial aid assistance.


  • Financial Aid Probation1: A status assigned to a student who failed to meet SAP standards, submitted an appeal, and had their appeal approved. Eligibility for aid may be reinstated for one payment period.


  • Financial Aid Termination: A status assigned to a student who failed to meet SAP standards and either:
    • submitted an appeal, and the appeal was denied OR
    • was on Financial Aid Suspension in a prior payment period and failed to appeal OR
    • was on Financial Aid Probation in a prior payment period but failed to meet the conditions

of their appeal OR

  • was disqualified from the university

1Financial Aid Warning and/or Financial Aid Probation (relating to financial aid eligibility) is different from Academic Probation (relating to your overall academic standing with the University).


Any financial aid award is tentative until the academic record is reviewed. For entering transfer students, the review is based on the academic record on file at the time of first consideration (or when information becomes available). SAP is evaluated after grades are posted at the end of each semester.

CSU Channel Islands - Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards


Student Degree

Cumulative GPA



Unit Limit


Time Limit


2.0 +

67% +

180 units

15 payment periods

Post-baccalaureate - 2nd Bachelor’s

2.5 +

67% +

45 units

4 payment periods

Post-baccalaureate - Credential2

2.5 +

67% +

52.5 units

5 payment periods

Graduate - Master’s2

3.0 +

80% +

41.25 units

5 payment periods

2Credential and Master’s program(s) Maximum Unit Limit and Maximum Time Limit may be greater than those listed above if a student’s program(s) requires more than the typical unit requirement.

II.Quantitative Component


Grades counted as attempted and completed

Grades counted as attempted (not completed)

A to D-

A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-

F Failure I Incomplete3


AU Audit IC Incomplete Fail

Satisfactory Progress

RP Report in Progress U Unauthorized Incomplete
    NC No Credit W



Unauthorized Withdrawal

3Any student who was granted an incomplete “I” grade and failed to meet the conditions of the incomplete grade contract after one year, will be given a grade of “IC” which is equivalent to an “F”.

4If a student has withdrawn from the university three times, this may demonstrate unwillingness or inability to progress. In such cases, the Financial Aid office may determine that a student is subject to a more extensive review by the Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships or designee. Aid will remain on hold until this review is completed.

A.Pace: Percent of units completed

Pace is determined by calculating a student’s ratio of overall cumulative units completed to their cumulative units attempted (includes transfer credit). The table below lists the minimum Pace required to meet SAP standards and remain eligible to receive financial aid. Pace* = cumulative units completed ÷ cumulative units attempted 

Student Degree



67% +

Post-baccalaureate - 2nd Bachelor’s, Credential

67% +

Graduate - Master’s

80% +

*Standard rounding practices applied

B.Maximum Unit Limit

The Maximum Unit Limit for all undergraduate and post-baccalaureate student aid eligibility is 150 percent of the unit requirement for graduation. All graduate student aid eligibility is 125 percent of the unit requirement for graduation. The table below lists the Maximum Unit Limits allowed to remain eligible for financial aid.

Student Degree

Units Required to Graduate

Maximum Unit Limit


120 units

180 units

Post-baccalaureate - 2nd Bachelor’s

30 units

45 units

Post-baccalaureate - Credential5

35 units

52.5 units

Graduate - Master’s5

33 units

41.25 units

5Credential and Master’s program(s) Maximum Unit Limit may be greater than those listed above if a student’s program(s) requires more than the typical unit requirement.


C.Repeated Coursework

All units from courses that are repeated will be used in the calculation of Pace and Maximum Unit Limit as attempted (not completed) units. A student may repeat a passed course one time and receive financial aid. Repeated coursework is counted toward enrollment status. The highest grade from all attempts is included in the GPA calculation.

D.Transfer Units

All units transferred will be used in the calculation of Pace and Maximum Unit Limit as attempted and completed units.

E.Change of Major/Double Major

When considering a change in major or a double major/minor, it is the responsibility of the student to be aware of the Maximum Unit Limit guidelines, as outlined in this policy. All units attempted and/or completed are included in the SAP evaluation.


III.Qualitative Component

A. Grade Point Average

At the conclusion of the semester, the Financial Aid & Scholarships office will review the student’s cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) as calculated in their academic record. The table below lists the minimum GPA required to meet SAP standards and remain eligible to receive financial aid.


Student Degree

Cumulative GPA


2.0 +

Post-baccalaureate - 2nd Bachelor’s, Credential

2.5 +

Graduate - Master’s

3.0 +

B.Academic Disqualification

Students who are academically disqualified from CSU Channel Islands by the Records & Registration office are automatically ineligible for financial aid.

C.Remedial Coursework

CSU Channel Islands excludes up to 30 units remedial coursework in determining a student’s SAP.

D.Transfer Credit

All units transferred will be used in the calculation of Grade Point Average

IV.Evaluation of Academic Progress Over Time

A. Maximum Time Limit

The maximum time limit for all student aid eligibility is 150 percent of the normal length of time required to complete a program of study as a full-time equivalent student, as set forth by the Federal Department of Education and CSU Channel Islands. The table below lists the maximum unit limits to not exceed in order to meet SAP standards and remain eligible to receive financial aid.


Note: Undergraduate, 2nd Bachelor’s, and Credential students’ full-time equivalency is 12 units per semester or 24 units per year. Master’s student’s full-time equivalency is 9 units per semester or 18 units per year.

Student Degree

Time Required to Graduate

Maximum Time Limit


180 units ÷ 24 units per year

7.5 years ≈ 15 payment periods

Post-baccalaureate - 2nd Bachelor’s

45 units ÷ 24 units per year

1.9 years ≈ 4 payment periods

Post-baccalaureate - Credential6

52.5 units ÷ 24 units per year

2.2 years ≈ 5 payment periods

Graduate - Master’s6

41.25 units ÷ 18 units per year

2.3 years ≈ 5 payment periods

6Credential and Master’s program(s) Maximum Time Limit may be greater than those listed above if a student’s program(s) requires more than the typical unit requirement.




A. Financial Aid Warning

If a student does not meet the SAP policy guidelines, as stated above, they will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next payment period (semester). A student on Financial Aid Warning may continue to receive Title IV aid despite a determination that the student is not meeting SAP standards. This will allow the student one payment period to regain good SAP standing, while continuing to receive financial aid.


B.Financial Aid Suspension and Appeal Process

If the student fails to meet the SAP policy guidelines after the warning period, they will no longer be eligible to receive financial aid and will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. If the student believes there were mitigating factors that may have hindered their ability to meet SAP standards, a student may submit an appeal to be reviewed by the Financial Aid & Scholarships office. Mitigating factors include, but are not limited to: death of a relative, injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstance beyond their control. Students must include documentation from a third-party to support the appeal. Supporting documentation may include: a letter from a doctor, hospital, social services agency, or counselor; obituary notice; or a police report.

Students must submit the appropriate SAP Appeal Form, along with supporting document(s) to the Financial Aid & Scholarships office by the published deadlines. The appeal must specify why the student failed to meet SAP standards and what has changed to allow them to maintain or progress toward making SAP in the future. Appeals are reviewed by the Financial Aid & Scholarships office. The criteria for approving an appeal will be based on the student’s circumstance, documentation, and a reasonable expectation that the student can re- establish progress toward a degree objective, and regain academic standing that meets the requirements for graduation. The Appeals Committee will render a decision and notify the student within thirty (30) business days of receipt of the appeal documentation. Appeal decision notifications will be sent to the student’s CSUCI student email.

Submission of an appeal does not guarantee that it will be approved. SAP decisions rendered are final.

If a student’s appeal is granted, they will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. If the student’s appeal is denied, or if the student fails to meet the conditions specified in their Financial Aid Probation, they will be placed on Financial Aid Termination.


C.Financial Aid Probation

If a student’s appeal is granted, they will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and their financial aid eligibility will be reinstated for one payment period. Appeal approval notifications to students may contain specific conditions (including academic plans) that the student must adhere to in order to retain their eligibility. At the end of the payment period, the student’s academic record is re-evaluated to determine if they meet the requirements to re-establish their financial aid eligibility.


D.Financial Aid Termination

If the student’s appeal is denied, or if the student fails to meet the conditions specified in their Financial Aid Probation, they will be placed on Financial Aid Termination. When a student who was previously on Financial Aid Suspension and chose not to submit an appeal, continues to fail SAP standards, they will be placed on Financial Aid Termination. Students placed on Financial Aid Termination may not appeal for reinstatement of eligibility.

Students on Financial Aid Termination may continue enrollment and make payment arrangements with the Student Business Services office.


E.Reinstatement Following SAP Appeal

A student cannot be paid for any payment period in which they failed to meet SAP standards. If a student fails to meet SAP policy at the beginning of an academic year but meets it later by evidence of sufficient documentation, the Financial Aid & Scholarships office may disburse funds only for the payment period in which they regain eligibility. Retroactive disbursements are not allowed.

F.Reinstatement Without SAP Appeal

Students who have lost their financial aid eligibility due to insufficient GPA and/or Pace, and who do not have an approved appeal on file, may generally re-establish eligibility as follows:

i. GPA

Complete courses with grades that will increase the cumulative GPA to meet minimum SAP standards without receiving financial aid.


ii.Pace: Percent of units completed

Complete enough units to increase the Pace rate required for appropriate program requirements without receiving financial aid. Courses may be taken at CSU Channel Islands, or completed through Extended University7. If student has completed transferrable courses at another institutionand wants to transfer those units earned towards CSU Channel Islands program requirements, they must:

  1. Submit for academic transcript(s) that reflect the transferrable credit for evaluation to the Records & Registration office AND
  2. Contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships office to request re-evaluation of SAP status based on new transferrable credit.


7If the coursework is transferrable and satisfies CSU Channel Islands graduation requirements

Federal Return of Title IV Funds Policy


Policy on Withdrawals and the Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4)
CSU Channel Islands Financial Aid & Scholarships
Award Year 2019-2020



The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, requires institutions to perform a Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation when a recipient of Title IV funds ceases to be enrolled (complete withdrawal) prior to the end of a semester. These requirements do not apply to a student who does not actually begin attendance in a semester at CSU Channel Islands.



HEA, Section 484B

34 CFR 668.22


Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive. If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds withdraws from CSU Channel Islands after beginning attendance, the Financial Aid & Scholarships office must perform an R2T4 calculation to determine the amount of Title IV assistance earned by the student. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned, the unearned funds must be returned. If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned and for which the student is otherwise eligible, he or she is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received.





Financial Aid & Scholarships office


All registered students at CSU Channel Islands receiving financial aid assistance.


The policy is organized in the following sections:


I. Withdrawal

  1. Complete Withdrawal and Financial Aid
  2. Title IV Recipients
  3. Withdrawal Date
  4. Unofficial Withdrawal
  5. R2T4 Calculation Deadlines
  6. Formula Calculation
  7. Post-Withdrawal Disbursements
  8. Returning Unearned Funds
  9. Institutional Refunds


I. Withdrawal

The official academic withdrawal policy in the current University Catalog:

The official academic withdrawal procedure in Records & Registration:

A. Complete Withdrawal and Financial Aid

If a student ceases attendance (drops or withdraws) from all Title IV eligible courses in a semester, the student must be considered a withdrawal for Title IV purposes. Please note that if the student never actually began attendance for the semester, R2T4 regulations do not apply. If a student began attendance but was not and could not have been disbursed Title IV aid prior to withdrawal, the student is not considered to have been a Title IV recipient and the R2T4 regulations do not apply. In these cases, Title IV funds would be handled in accordance with regulations for returning funds for students who do not register or fail to begin attendance.

Whenever CSU Channel Islands determines that a student has withdrawn, the student is no longer considered to be enrolled and in attendance. Therefore, the student is no longer eligible for in-school status or an in-school deferment on their federal loans and the school must report the student as withdrawn in the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Enrollment Reporting.


B. Title IV Recipients

Students are considered recipients of Title IV federal financial aid if they are eligible to receive or have received funds from one or more of the following programs for the semester:

  • Federal Pell Grant

  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

  • Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

  • Federal Work-Study

  • Federal Direct Loans

    • Subsidized

    • Unsubsidized

    • Parent PLUS

    • Graduate PLUS

If a student is a work-study employee, they are no longer eligible to receive payment from Federal Work-Study funds effective immediately when they withdraw from the semester.

Non-Title IV programs (such as Scholarships, Cal Grants, State University Grants, Middle Class Scholarships, Private/Alternative Loans, etc.) are not part of the R2T4 calculation; however they may be subject to reduction in cases of withdrawal based on institutional policy.


C. Withdrawal Date

If the student withdraws from all of their courses within the first three weeks of a semester, the final course drop date is considered the student’s withdrawal date, or last date of attendance (LDA). At the start of the fourth week of the semester, the student must complete a request for official withdrawal with the Records & Registration office. Upon approval, the Records & Registration office will notify the Financial Aid & Scholarships office of the student’s official withdrawal date, also known as LDA. Within the federal R2T4 calculation formula, the LDA determines the amount of the federal aid earned by the student for a given semester.

D.Unofficial Withdrawal

Students who fail to notify CSU Channel Islands of their intent to withdraw before the end of the semester and subsequently receive WU and/or NC grades for all their enrolled courses in a semester are considered unofficially withdrawn. Federal regulations require that CSU Channel Islands complete a R2T4 calculation for unofficial withdrawals using a withdrawal date or LDA, based on the midpoint of the semester.


E. R2T4 Calculation Deadlines

According to federal regulation, CSU Channel Islands must return unearned Title IV funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the determination of a student’s withdrawal. In addition, the Financial Aid & Scholarships office must notify the student or parent of any post-withdrawal disbursement available within 30 days from the determination of a student’s withdrawal.


II. Formula Calculation

CSU Channel Islands utilizes the Department of Education software to complete R2T4 calculations. The outline below illustrates how the amount of Title IV aid earned by the student is determined:

Calculate the percentage of the semester completed by the student:
Days Completed ÷ Days in Semester = Percentage Completed

  • If the calculated percentage exceeds 60 percent, then the student has earned the full amount of Title IV aid for the semester.

Apply the percentage completed to the student’s Title IV eligibility (as of the withdrawal date):
Total Aid Eligible x Percentage Completed = Earned Aid

Determine the amount of unearned aid to be returned to the appropriate Title IV aid program:
Total Disbursed Aid - Earned Aid = Unearned Aid


III. Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

If the calculation produces a credit to the students account (when the amount of aid earned is greater than the amount that has disbursed to the student’s account) any grant funds will be applied to the account without notification. However, if Direct Loan funds are eligible to disburse under these conditions, the borrower will be notified via email informing them of their eligibility and the borrower must confirm in writing that they want the loan to be disbursed. If no confirmation is received by the Financial Aid & Scholarships office within 30 days of the email sent date, the loan offer will be cancelled.

IV. Returning Unearned Funds

The Financial Aid & Scholarships office will follow federal regulations to determine the proportions of aid disbursed that must be returned by the institution and by the student. However, CSU Channel Islands will return the entire amount of federal aid that was not earned by the student to the federal government. The student is required to pay any balance owed to CSU Channel Islands.

V. Institutional Refunds

CSU Channel Islands must comply with refund policies required by a state or other outside agencies. Although CSU Channel Islands refund policy will determine the charges a student will owe after withdrawing, those policies will not affect the amount of Title IV Aid the student has earned under the R2T4 calculation.

The student should contact the Student Business Services to determine the amount that they will be charged for the time they were enrolled. Students are responsible to repay CSU Channel Islands for any remaining balance owed as a result of funds returned due to the R2T4 calculation.