Jul 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Catalog 
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Safety and Environment

Bicycles, Skateboards, and Other Similar Devices

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/FA/81/FA.81.002.htm.


Campus Violence

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/FA/31/FA.31.011.htm.  


Driving and Parking on Campus Property

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/FA/81/FA.81.003.htm


Free Speech and Assembly

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/SA/07/sa.07.011.htm.


Motor Vehicle Use

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/FA/43/FA.43.002.htm.


Postings and Signage

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/CM/02/cm-02-005.htm.


Smoking on Campus

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/FA/31/fa-31-015.htm


Tobacco Sales and Sponsorships on Campus

The complete policy text can be found on the CI website at http://policy.csuci.edu/CM/02/CM.02.003.htm.
